Second to everything. They look knackered to me; can't be easy trying to keep up the tempo on that swamp. Changes at HT, I reckon. DRAIN THE SWAMP!
I'd swap Woodrow and big Vic for Dike and Morri at half time. Woodrow has offered nothing at all today, and while Adebedajo has had a few flashes of quality, I just don't have any confidence in him finishing any chance that may eventually fall to him(I REALLY hope he proves me wrong if he does stay on!)...
Very much a case of after the Lord Mayors show. We’ve been as poor tonight as we were good on Sunday.
Jesus christ. This rwf has swallowed that whistle I'm sure. But again, how does Addy get in starting 11. There are two guys on the bench that are fit as fiddles and won't be knocked about by these
Looks like the ref is talking to the groundsman and rolling the ball around. Might not come out for the second half. We need to get this played - the pitch isn’t going to get any better in the next few weeks, and we’ve already got a fixture backlog.
Long ball to smallest player on pitch and a player than never wins an header or even jumps (Woodrow ) that was a dire 45 mins
Maybe, just maybe, the third game in a week is taking its toll. Or of course as some on here would suggest we are dire. Who knows?
Well I for one see no reason to call it off. Can't go blamimg the pitch just because there are two poor teams on it!
Shocking first half. Conditions don’t help of course, but it’s been very poor from both teams. At least it can’t be any worse second half. In theory.
It's an awful game but we're still much the better team for me. Admittedly that's a bit like being the best F1 circuit in Wales, but I'll take it for now!
Anyone else noticed their keeper has carried the ball out of the area just about every time he's kicked it from hand?