with puppies never been so popular, what is your opinion on having a dog ,happy or stress at moment I am running about 60/40 on happy side, love mine to bits but just seems to want attention from minute get up to minute go to bed, rainy days worse any ideas on this, should get another dog, goes on enough walks,its harder work than you think owning a dog
Defo happy for me! Yes, she drives me mad sometimes (including this morning) but getting my dog was best choice I have made in a long long time. Me and my other half planned on getting one when we got our own house and we paid a deposit for ours a few months before this bloody covid stuff started up. Since being in lockdown having the dog has gotten me outside the house regularly for walks and just helped keep me going massively. Without the dog, I would be much fatter for sure but also she keeps me entertained through the day when working at home.
Its because youll be at home almost 24/7 these days they have gotten used to it and expect you to bow to their every whim. Itll be a nightmare if/when you start leaving them for longer periods as the separation anxiety will go through the roof. Especially if you the Alpha in the household.
We've been suffering from something similar. She's only a year old and cries the house down if we leave her in the room on her own. Spoke to the vets about it and they suggested it's most likely separation anxiety. I'd recommend having a read of this article: https://barkingheads.co.uk/blogs/news/managing-separation-anxiety
Worst stress dogs can suffer from especially in this current climate ahere more.people are working from home is separation anxiety. These last 4 and 1/2 weeks i have been off work one of the whippets has barely left my side and follows me from room to room during the day. Luckily my wife works from and has done for months so someone is always here however if her circumstances change then goodness knows how she will be.
We now make sure she has at least 1hr on her own in a separate room to us per day. It's taken her some getting used to but she is starting to become a little more independent and less needy.
Ive had mine since he was a pup, we got chosen. As much as we love the little **** to bits he is hard work at times. Its something that once novelty of puppeeeeeee has worn off the realisation hits people like a hammer and they either cant cope or dont want to put the work in.
I haven't had one for 15 ish years. Can't devote the time. I'd love one to come home to but it's not fair. I walk 20-30 miles a week and would love a dog companion but it's just not practical. I do borrow dogs off friends....... I'm thinking now ya *****
I can recommend a good dog sitter/walker! Get an older end spaniel, they will be just as happy laid out farting and snoring as yomping around the dearne valley with you
Mine has been a happy experience thoughreading on the Internet I was expecting it to be worse. Never owned a dog before but he's so easy going and loving. Made sure he never got used to a routine and this makes sure he goes with the flow. Happy to be walked for 30 mins or 1 hour plus Happy for cuddles and play with us humans but takes himself off to play with his toys and hump his favourite! Maybe yours is getting too much stimulation, like an overtired toddler?
Ours has got needy with people being in the house all day, we tend to put her in the dog house for a few hrs each day, eventually everyone will be back at work. The dog house comes complete with wood flooring, skirting, lighting- its better than my bedroom.
We waited until the missus stopped working before we took another one on so they were unlikely to be left on their own for any length of time but it’s still well worth making the effort to get them used to it just in case. The walkings a plus, it drags me out of the house in inclement weather when otherwise I might not bother. As I say the negative bit is he’s only fostered and we have had him a while so got really attached to him despite best intentions.