Anybody had one? I'm thinking about getting the wife one for her Birthday. 2 Girl version, like obviously, I'm not a monster. They look ace on pornhub.
Stephen I assume, may be your man. Or try it, and keep us informed. What’s a twosome like.? Remind me.
That reminds me. Given TM’s reply. Masks and 2 Mtr distancing. Not a problem if you live in Sheffield and keep it within the family bubble.
A long time ago I once unsuccessfully tried position 68, that’s a 69er with 1 less. My back still plays up today
It was mad Friday about three years back. Her best mate and fella were into kinky sheet. They did anal and she slept with other blokes as did he. (They split up because he was arranging to see another bloke without telling her). Anyway Laura regularly went there for drinks before they went out on the town. That Mad Friday they asked her if she wanted to have a threesome with them which she flatly refused.