All the evidence so far would be that it was put there when the property was built and most probably by a foreign worker. Maybe working while studying Thanks so much guys. Now what do I do with it
I'm in my house in Russia, and I can confirm that it's not Russian! Though it seems that you didn't need me for that!
Don't think it anything valuable just a badge someone might have had on a bag that fell of or was misplaced when your house was been built such as a souvenirs from Belgrade
There was a least one German mining engineer working at Rockingham Colliery and living in Birdwell at the start of the 20th century. Of the 143 killed in the Swaithes pit disaster of 1875, one Jura Herod was a Pole.
I’m in agreement. Don’t think it’s worth anything. I was curious about its origins and what it said etc.
Coat of Arms of city of Belgrade, Serbia. Designed by artist Đorđe Andrejević Kun in early 1930s. It represents the white city (literal translation of the city's name) overlooking the Danbue river. City is depicted as a medieval castle founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević, which was built on the ruins of Roman settlement - Singidunum which was built on the earlier ruins of Celtic (Scordisc) settlement - Singidun. I good long Google search
If you watch grand designs you need to incorporate it into the extension to preserve the integrity of the building.
My guess for what it’s worth. Maybe someone who lived in your house served in the British Army in Europe towards the ends of the Second World War. There were millions of ‘displaced people’ of every nationality in the concentration camps and slave labour camps and many held onto a small reminder of home they’d managed to take with them. Whoever brought this back could have been given it as a token of gratitude from someone he helped, hence it was squirreled safely away.
You also need to get your wife pregnant, live in a caravan for 18 months and experience the worst winter on record.
It looks like a belt buckle. I can send the image to an old colleague at the V&A, but probably best asking IWM..
Update: Big thanks to @red-Taff for some vital investigation work. I found my purchase records for the property and found that the elderly lady who I bought the property from was called Sava Turner. Red-Taff did some investigating via historical records and found that Sava Turner was formally SAVA DRLJACA. I am contacting the solicitor involved in the sale to see if they would like the badge Thanks everyone
If you want to PM me the address I can have a look at the 1939 Register...might be electoral rolls available too.
Thanks for that but Red-Taff already done this for me and got the names Sava Turner then he did another search and found that Sava Turner was formally SAVA DRLJACA. She is the lady I purchased the property off who is now in her late 80s early 90s. We are assuming this is who put the badge where I found it but like I previously said. It was well hidden and not very accessible which is why I assumed it must have been put there during the house build.