Rumour as it that's what this tweet is about because apparently he's got links to the hospital Phillip is in and Charles has been allowed to visit him today and looked all upset and in current circumstances you only get to see a loved one in hospital in extreme circumstances like the family of Tom Moore had the day before his sad news.
Genuine question dreamboy but why do all the sources and news stories you post about seem to come from either the gutter press, conspiracy theorists or people who just generally hold abhorrent views? You've never posted anything at all to suggest you hold those kind of views but you seem to read and share so much of theirs
Tbh 99 is a good age to live to. I'm sure he will be looked after very well in hospital and he has his family with him. I can think of far worse ways to go.
I don't like Farage I only posted the tweet as it's part of the rumour. The royal family live by different rules to the rest of us so maybe it's not EOL care, we shall see. Maybe Prince Harry has put himself in to quarantine just incase and not because he's been given news his grandad only has days left.
I'd like to know the answer to this. His links seems to always be The Daily Mail, The Sun, The Express or Fox News. Absolute complete and utter clickbait trash. To be fair though, since it was pointed out that no-one will read those or take them seriously I have noticed that he has made an effort to include some BBC, Sky and The Guardian which, whilst they have justified critism levelled at them too, do at least slightly try to report actual news and not just sensationalist stories (opinions pieces aside).
If this turns out to be right, they should send Farage to the tower. Piece of ****! I'm no royalist but let them grieve ffs! Instead the piece of Nazi filth wants to make it a look at me moment.
That's my point though. I don't like Farage either so I don't tend to frequent his Twitter page. You seem to get all your news from people who you don't share personality traits with. I just don't really get it I guess. You aren't a racist or a bigot yet you must be the daily mails most avid reader. There's no rules that stop anyone visiting hospitals by the way, it's simply that overstretched hospitals have put a stop to it individually. I'm guessing that as a private hospital with only a few dozen beds in it, all in private rooms, that they haven't banned visitors
The bit that confused me most is that he's always seemed one of the nicest people on here. There are quite a few (sadly) who wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they were reading and sharing stories from those papers but dreamboy doesn't seem to be the kind of person who really has anything in common with those publications. The only thing I can think of is that he uses a nother forum where people post gossip style news stories, gossipy style news tweets etc and that's where he sees them all.
IF this transpires to be anything to do with Prince Philip, Farage is an even more pathetic leach than I ever thought possible. To try and score “I know something you don’t know” points about someone’s life/ end of life is utterly scummy. Regardless of their privilege.
Basically ******, Farage trying to make himself relevant with some non-story about Chinese interference in education.