I’ve literally never been to a Barnsley tip in my life. I heard vans have to pay, but if I took it in a car would I be good? It’s just bagged household waste, mostly non-recyclable
Correct. Don't need to pay as long as its domestic and not for business. It used to be that you needed to take proof of address first time you used it to ensure you're in Barnsley area, but not sure if that's been eased because of Covid.
last time I went wasn't asked to show permit just wanted proof of address. N.B. because of Covid only a few folk allowed into site at any one time - heard of people queueing for 2/3 hours to get into site. (Smithies.)
Similar experience at Wakefield. Make sure you take proof of address with you and have plenty of time on your hands.
Yep queues have been big at Smithies. Avoid weekends at all costs and just take some ID with a photo on, though I haven't been asked since I got a new car and hence no permit.
The Wakefield one was so bad after Christmas that I ended up forking out £120 to hire a skip. Had loads of huge boxes etc after moving house, took a load to the tip one day and it was complete chaos, whole lane of a road blocked for a mile with people queuing. Disgraceful to be honest.
One at Castleford was really busy after lock down. But calmed down a lot hardly any queuing until this past half term week. Gone by a few times and they been massive queues. Need permit at Cas or council tax Bill if no permit
Aye it’s been bad on Denby Dale Road where they had to cone a lane off, not sure they could’ve done too much different though.
It Oxfordshire depositing "domestic" waste is free. Howver, there is a charge for anything regarded as building waste. I had to pay to dump the wood from an old garden gate.
If you can go in the week when it is quieter Worsboro is fine , I have been a few times & the most I have had to wait was about 20 mins ,but a couple of times I drove straight in , no problems , take ID the first time .
Been twice to the Worsboro one this last weekend. Took me 50 mins on Friday afternoon and another half hour at 9.15 on Saturday morning. It's crazy at dumpit sites right now for some bizarre reason.....
I’ve been once to worsbrough straight in and no ID check. Only in a small hatchback and a few bags so hardly going to be a tradesperson or from miles away. I happen to live a mile away
Proof of address, thats very 1990s, number recognition down here don't you know ha ha, book on line, put your registration in ( register 2 vehicles),