Plenty of outrage will come from how we might have to live even after being vaccinated for large events once restrictions have been scrapped.
What date does he return to the fridge he cant press a button to avoid tricky question when we are all opened up can he.
In told it's driven by data. Can anyone find any data that says that brushing shoulders in the narrow aisles of tk maxx and Primark is safer than having a meal in a pub or restaurant that has taken out half of its seats to create space and operates on a reservation only basis and utilises track and trace apps? I've looked and looked and looked and I can find nothing to support this stance. Make no mistake, this isn't driven by the data, it's driven by some kind of warped ideology
You're not wrong about the TK Maxx/Primark thing but the pubs will be because it won't be all social distanced and lovely in a lot of pubs, it will be people getting rat arsed and being unsafe towards both other customers and staff. It's mainly, I imagine, because A&E on Friday and Saturday nights were always heaving with drunk people and when keeping hospitals from being overrun is key, opening pubs up isn't conducive to that. It's also harder to keep hospital staff safe in a pandemic if they are having to treat drunk people who are being unruly and uncooperative. I know it's the ones breaking the rules that should be closed, I agree with that completely, but I'm just saying that I think that's probably why it has been decided that way.
That's the problem. They have separated different kinds of retail and different kinds of schools and things like that but they've gone down the route of saying if it sells alcohol it must be identical when in reality we all know that any of the shitholes on Wellington Street are a world away from a pub come restaurant that uses a table service. What really should have happened all along is that all retail and hospitality should have been dealt with equally with legislation brought in that forces the management to take steps to reduce transmission. I don't care how essential Tesco are they should have been forced to remove stock from just one aisle to create a safe queuing area. Not doing so has killed so many people. Tk maxx should be allowed to open but only if it spaces it's aisles out to allow for social distancing, same for everyone and pubs and restaurants should be allowed to open as long as they only operate a table service, remove tables or put up screens and are strict on applying the law that you cannot be served once intoxicated. That was the fair and much safer way of doing it but instead they took the easy and idealistic route of saying all pubs are evil. Absolutely no data to support that
he must have been asked about Matt wänksock at least 10 times today, he refused to answer every time.
21st June assumes that the road isn't bumpy. At any stage they can call a halt and kick all the remaining stages further down the road. Slightest uptick in whatever metric is flavour of the month and a date can be moved which automatically bumps the rest. I'll be astonished but delighted if the 21st June deadline is achieved.
https://assets.publishing.service.g...Unlocking__Roadmap_Scenarios_for_England_.pdf this is their published scientific advice / research be interesting to see how accurate it is. Despite the caveats being overly optimistic it seems very pessimistic to me, but what do I know. Perhaps, they’re right.
As someone who likes a drink or 12 and never gets in a fight and has only gone to A&E twice, both times after sporting injuries in my youth. I can concur most folks are not professional drinkers. Women in their 50's / 60's are the worst from a DJ perspective. Totally out of control, like a crack addict that has escaped custody for their son / daughter's nuptials.
These four data tests are not data tests at all. This is not data driven.This is utter rubbish, subjective rubbish at best, purposefully none measurable and vague to avoid scrutiny.
Its statements like this that make him such a poor leader. He can't honestly say that sanctions won't be reversed, if as he says, we're following the data. He essentially said the same about Christmas, and then changed the restrictions the weekend before. This after he'd said it would be "inhumane" to do so.
None of those road map scenarios match the one announced yesterday, so I don't think that's the latest modelling.
The "road map" is purely a sop to businesses which are desperate to reopen and people desperate to get their kids back into school etc. You only have to listen to people interviewed on the TV, it's exactly what they wanted to hear. They don't want vague possibilities, they want fixed dates to plan against, the one thing that in a sane world they shouldn't be given.
I don't know about "idealistic" but they have certainly taken the easiest ways every time. The person who owns Tesco is probably a Tory party donor so they wouldn't do anything to upset them.
It's from imperial college London isn't it? The disgraced organisation that's been wrong time after time so I wouldn't give it any credit whatsoever.