I have a Bluetooth speaker and wife also uses it. The problem is when I come to use it, her phone syncs to it too, so her notifications, phonecalls etc come thru and interrupt my music or whatever I'm using it for. Very annoying. If I were to buy exact same speaker and cancel her sync with mine, would we still have same problem, or would both speakers emit different Bluetooth addresses / frequencies or whatever they're known as? I hope I've made that clear? Cheers
I think you should ask her to unpair. Not with you (although that would solve the problem) but with the speaker.
Thanks both but not the solution I wanted really. That would work, obviously, but I just wanted to know if by buying a 2nd identical one, would they conflict? Is every Bluetooth signal unique?
If you had another speaker there would be no confliction. One phone connects to one the other to the other speaker, that's providing you only connect the speaker to one phone and not both
We've got two bluetooth speakers. Phones are paired separately to each speaker which is probably what you want. There's still the capability of pairing either phone with either speaker but you dont have to if you dont want. We only bought a second one because we both wanted a bit of Spotify at the same time. If you're not wanting to use two speakers then as others have said, unpair the other phone and.only pair it when she wants to play anything.
We have a Bose speaker it only allows one device to connect Bluetooth at a time. Sure it’s not your notification interrupting the music lol.
I believe the newer devices allow more than one pairing at a time. Though there’s an obvious disadvantage.
Haha no, I did think it was to begin with. Up until the point when she phoned her mum and I heard half the conversation. At that point I knew we were both connected at the same time. I didn't think it was possible to be fair.
Excellent advice, thank you all. Sharing the one speaker would have been the ideal option, but it would be a pain in the ar5e having to unpair everytime you've finished using the device just so it didn't interfere with the other. The best way forward is to buy a 2nd speaker. I did assume they would be different Bluetooth addresses despite it being the exact same speaker, but I'm glad the knowledgeable BBS could confirm. Cheers again.
If you're buying a second, there's no real reason to buy an identical one to the one the Mrs picked. what's yr budget?
I've been looking at a Marshall Stockwell 2, a JBL Charge 5 or a JBL Flip 4; can't decide which, any advice?
If you like low end, the bass, then Bose. We've got 2 Soundlink Revolver's, one is a plus. I use one as the sound system on the PC, the other tends to be in the shower room as it's water resistant
@Gimson&theBarnsleys I've just read a review of the Marshall Emberton - whilst at the same time reading about Pete Townshend's relationship with John Marshall. I've never considered anything larger than that, my bluetooth speaker s all about portability whilst having just enough sound quality to keep me happy.
I want the same one mate because it's actually a shower speaker and there isn't a huge array of them in what I'm prepared to spend. Mine was around 20 quid and that's what I want to spend on hers. It has all the features she'd want and it's very easy to use.