You know the scheme that was the realm of the conspiracy theory is now coming to afore. Its aptly named the Freedom Pass in Whitehall and they are trying to push it through for June. Old Gove is in charge of it. so I've done a poll. Ive gone for only required for overseas travel. Not because I agree with a passport being issued but itll be a requirement to entre a lot of countries.
It’ll all be about money anyway. I can see a scenario where those that are not vaccinated won’t be prevented from going anywhere, they’ll be simply charged more
Very much doubt it will be a vaccine only to allow ‘freedom’ - it will be vaccine or option of a test
It poses ethical issue but lets push on anyway :
Do you currently need proof of vaccination to travel to certain areas? Yes, Yellow Fever vaccination is required for travel to certain countries. So, we already have precedent for this.
Yeah when I went to South Africa in 2018, I had about four injections from what I remember. Its not really a big deal is it?
I just doubt travel insurance company's will insure anyone who hasn't had the vaccine. Or they will and the price will be extortionate.
True but i assume you don't have to show it constantly one in the countries in question. So I could understand it for international travel but not to go to pub or shops.
Obviously that's the initial question otherwise a Vaccine passport is pointless. I can imagine as usual some half way policy where it's for certain events/venues or a test
I understand countries choosing to ask for them before allowing entry to their country. That's sensible. But needing them for going to a pub etc is unethical, immoral and plain stupidity. Are we really going to be in a situation where an elderly or vulnerable person who we have all made huge sacrifices this last year for, have gotten into debt for, have not seen our family for, and have essentially paused our lives for a year for, are allowed to do as they please while an 18 year old has to have a test every time they dare to enter a building or they are barred purely because they aren't as old as the other who got vaccinated? That is the most immoral thing I've ever heard
It would be difficult to implement for all situations, unless they can make sure those that for genuine reasons cant have the vaccine - compromised immune system/pregnant, etc. But I do think if you work in Hospital or care home then you should need one as a condition of employment (with the mentioned exceptions) - to be a surgeon you have to have Hep B injection for example, so its already required to some extent.
I don't think they should be mandatory, but I'm not worrying about it. No doubt they'll award a massive contract to their unqualified mates to develop a system and we'll be left with an unworkable shambles so it won't be enforced anyway. Are we still even pretending to do track and trace?
Have voted for overseas travel purely because many countries have already done it, so it makes sense to go along with it. For domestic things like pubs and theatres etc I don't think it should be mandatory, particularly in view of the very high vaccine take-up and for the fact that younger healthy people would be discriminated against - at least till vaccination reaches the entire population. I think the young have suffered quite enough already.
Any of the every day use voters care to expand as to why youd want to show a proof of vaccination at Tesco's.
Just a thought but if we do end up with any kind of system where you have to prove yourself to be pure and clean of a virus before being allowed entry somewhere then morally and ethically (not got a clue which it is) we simply HAVE to adopt the exact same system for all detectable viruses. If you have to prove you are pure and clean of covid-19 before being allowed into a pub then you should have to prove you are pure and clean of influenza before being allowed in otherwise we are categorically saying that we care more about deaths from covid than we do about other preventable deaths. In fact if we bring this in then shouldn't we also bring in mandatory breath tests before being allowed to buy a pint? The amount of money that would save in police costs, the amount of assaults it would stop, the amount of murders and manslaughter deaths, the amount of lives it would save and improve by reducing alcoholism etc. Once we go down the road of it being acceptable to force people to prove their health status before being allowed to engage with society then where does it stop? Where do we draw the line?
Stupid analogy! I dont recall someone being injured by a drunk driver resulting in that victim causing people he/she comes into contact with to drink drive and cause accidents leading to those victims doing the same. Similarly with drunks assaulting and killing others... Colds are viruses so again the argument " we simply HAVE to adopt the exact same system for all detectable viruses" is ill thought out. It is the infection rate, severity of the symptoms and newness resulting in lack of herd immunity that sets Covid and other life threatening viruses apart from those that have been around for many years like many respiratory illnesses. As regards "preventable deaths" no vaccines or protocols are watertight. Winter flu vaccines for example do not guarantee 100% immunity and people do die each winter but they do keep casualties to a minimum.