I’m a fan of the ifollow team so to be clear this is not a sleight on that, but I wonder if the red button coverage is in front, same or behind the typical ifollow coverage (nothing different internet connections would affect that)? My reason for asking is I might watch on red button knowing that with Sky Q it is in HD not like Sky HD box coverage. Then I might just let my dad, who does not have Sky log into my ifollow. But if it is behind I’ll want to watch on ifollow because me and mates watch games with chatting on Zoom.
Sky Red Button was in front of ifollow by abart 20odd seconds last time they were both showing the game.
Actually, last game for me Ifollow was ahead by quite a bit, although I was watching it on my second Sky Q box, which is slightly behind the main box, by about a second though
Usually about 20-30 seconds based on my (bad) broadband latency. Red Button is also internet though (I think) so that can also have a lag.
No replays on red button. So be careful when you nip tut bog, etc. Missed goals in last 2 matches. on red button v Blackburn 1st. Other v brizzle on ifollow . But at least got replays on Ifollow.
What you need is Radio Sheff live, red button delay then Ifollow further delay. Like being in the middle of a time warp.
It annoys me when club text updates are ahead of iFollow. Which is most of the time.. Easy solution would be to turn the phone off, but I like to follow the bbs on the phone & match on a mactop. My first world problem of the day..
i find the red button is like watching without your glasses on but uptodate and i follow is behind your live bet app or watch a long so thas checking thee bet n finds art there about to score / concede so tha cant win either way
Tonight’s game is available to record so at least we should be able to pause and rewind the recording ? I haven’t really got a clue but it seems logical
iFollow has been upto a minute ahead of Sky Red Button when I've compared them, and also has the benefit of replays.
I didn't realise it was on red button - you've saved me a tenner! Although I will miss the commentary