this season I along with most supporters have not missed a game (home or away) question do any other supporters wear the shirts for the match or am I just barmy
I don't but I hope the shirts for next season are out by early June for a change so people can buy one for Father's Day.
I wear home shirt and the away shirt but mine is the white one depending where we are not at the same time
haven't bought a shirt myself for a while, but I wondered if there were any keepers wearing the full kit out there?
I'm wearing my NHS one today (hasn't failed me yet) Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't same as with matches.
Yep I do Bit odd really as I think the last time I wore one to an actual match was probably the play off final in Cardiff. Prior to lockdown I would usually only wear them to play 5-a-side
I know it's completely illogical - but I can't bring myself to wear a BFC shirt. Am a Season Ticket holder etc - a loyal BFC supporter - I buy my children BFC shirts etc. which they wear with pride. It's a tad bonkers and probably to do with the fact I'm not from Tarn.
miss going to matches so try and replicate as much as possible have a drink before game and one after and some times during told r lass its the law to have a drink before game, she dunt believe me thou