Seems an odd question but what can we do to improve as next steps. We have Williams, Kitching to come back into the squad. Looking at stats, I would hope we can get a better goal or even assist ratio from Adebeyojo, Chaplin and Frieser although i think they are playing their part. We have seen our defence improve, our set pieces improve. Strengthened with Morris and Dike. Val says we are dangerous in many areas and have improved as a squad. So what next for the next 3 months.
VI has instilled a squad mentality. It would be great for individual players to get better goals/assists etc but I don't think Val thinks like that. It's all about the Win and everyone contributes to that
We need to be calmer on the ball. I appreciate that it is a clear instruction to get rid quickly into the corners which puts pressure on the opposition when they are not setup, but there are times where the players need to get their foot on the ball and be more composed. also if we are going for the long throw, we need to get better at it.
The squad is clearly greater then the sum of its parts. To improve at the level we operate and money we spend requires gradual improvement, we’ve seen that with better recruiting over the past 18 months. Maybe we’ve got lucky with the right manager at the right time, would we be 7th with Struber in charge? theres a Malik Wilks thread elsewhere and even though he’s far more talented than some of our current players I’d not swap him for any of them.
For me we could do with sourcing a left wing back to free up styles to move into the middle next year. Unless oduor or kitching can do it. But as for next 3 months - agree it's just about being more composed with the ball as we too often hoof it away when we have better options .
This is an oft overlooked dimension to a winning team. Over here, the San Francisco Giants won the World Series three times in 5 years (2010, 2012 and 2014). Teams like the LA Dodgers and the Yankees spend a small fortune on buying all the best players. They totally ignore the salary cap, and just pay a fine at the end of the season. The Giants were a mix a youngsters, journey men and a few stars. Together, on any given day, they could not be beat. That's the Mighty Reds we see today.
Some real pace - armstrong was really quick when we played em and he's up there in the scoring charts this year - be good to find someone similar.
Tighten up on giving silly free kicks away that will end up in our box and would like to see us put someone up front near half way line when opponents have a corner or maybe 2 someones.
Agree with that. A couple of times Palmer picked up the ball in acres of space on Saturday, and booted it into..... acres of space. With only the Millwall keeper anywhere near.
Look for those players whose contracts will be ending and get in replacements at least one year in advance to blood them, so that the departing players can be sold on in profit and the investment be ploughed back into further replacements season by season.
If we had to sell any of the first 11, I'd probably still listen to offers for Mads, and bring in a left footer into that role, that is more comfortable defending wide. Probably Kitching, but obviously can't comment on him yet. Other than that, I think it's more a case of building up confidence in our passing and also our transition from attack to defence against counter attacks. The better we get at both of those things, the less hoofing you will see.
Need more options in Centre Mid I think. Wouldn't blame Mowatt for taking a big contract elsewhere if someone comes in this Summer. He's done his stint and earned the right for a big pay packet and a chance to play at an even higher level without being made to feel guilty. We have Styles to move across but we definitely need more depth. Otherwise I think we've got everywhere else well covered.
Yeah, the more the season goes on the less worried about Mowatt i am. Not because he isn’t playing well, he always does, i would want him to stay. Simply because the team has grown up around him and we are much less reliant in one or two players now. I think we have at some point to try a few games without him and plan for him not being here. Hard to do when we have something to play for. I also think he could be another player who leaves for money only to be marginalised at his chosen club. If we keep the rest then a replacement wont be as difficult as we thought having a budget for 2-3 to strengthen and maybe seeing if Styles / Kane ( who we have yet to see the best of) can do it.