Cruel on Donny, and I hope they pass Wendies in the opposite direction. Covid has probably helped their decision to allow him to speak to Wendies. The Compo might come in handy. Stendel to Donny??
Tbh I think it's a decent appointment, wouldn't have minded him here before VI arrived.. see how he does..
On their Facebook post announcing Butler being in charge one of their fans reckons they have a chance of getting Frank Lampard
Whilst I understand the criticism of Sheffield Wednesday, I don't accept the sudden antagonism towards Darren Moore. He's still the same person he was yesterday, just now he is employed by someone else. He has been hunted by other clubs for the past year,including us? Would the antagonism and criticism be there if he had gone to Ipswich. I disagree with how Derby and SWFC are conducting themselves but that is up to the EFL. Derby,I believe are trying to amass a large points total before submitting overdue accounts and receiving a points deduction. Mr Chansiri seems to be preparing for next season, players contracts are ending and needs someone to get them back up. It is possible they could survive,I don't know. It has been apparent in interviews for the last couple of months, he hasn't been happy and disappointed the squad has been weakened. My opinion of Darren Moore hasn't changed because of his latest role.
Feeds into the "we're massive" rhetoric though, when they can poach a local rival's manger. Hope Donny demanded the money up front in used notes!!
on the off topic suggestion for Val if his stock continues to rise and why wont it can see him being a replacement for Hodgson at his old club Palace
Neither has mine, but I'm in a quandary. As an ex-Red and likeable bloke, I'd like him to do well in his managerial career. I also want Wednesday to go down this season.
The club is such a basket case that there is no downside for him He stays at Donny and the promotion push falters he could be out a job and applying at Southend and Rochdale by Xmas. All he needs is a bit of luck and a good run and Birmingham City to drop a few - and the latter I’d bet my house on. They go down, it’s on Chansiri and the points deduction and previous managers - not him. He either gets paid off or is in charge of the “massivest” club in the league he was just in anyway. I share the distaste for Wednesday but it’s clouding a lot of logic here.