They’re absolutely worth the money and they’re about the same price as other similar models from other brands. Samsung’s comparative model are £220 for example. You can get AirPod Pros for the same price. If you already have Apple products the AirPods are more than worth even £30 more though.
Never said she did, I just said that price was OTT, multiply that sort of savings that could have been made by buying something say even £50 across the whole lot of stuff they buy and you save money, what's wrong with that! I wasn't having a go at her per se more the way MP's always seem go to the top end stuff on expenses. I just hate the way Westminster in general pisses away taxpayers money by inefficient buying. Would folk have been so quick to try to justify her purchase if it had been a Tory MP?
It’s not OTT though is it? What we have here is a bunch of middle aged blokes making judgements about the cost of headphones that they see as ‘excessive’. It’s inverse snobbery by people who just don’t see the value. Amongst my close family and friends, there’s several pairs of AirPods, and some of us with better taste have spent similar amounts on ‘better’ products. Loads of my mates would say £30 for a football ticket was a lot of money whilst swilling a £6 pint. I’ve no use for £500 jeans or a £40,000 car, a 4 bed detached or a £45 football shirt or a 60” telly, but I spend thousands on cameras, lenses, cooking equipment and hifi. But it’d be wrong of me to judge others on what they feel is important enough to spend their money on. As for MP’s salaries and expenses; who do we want to run the country?
Not got much of an issue with it but it does make me wonder whether I need a new accountant. Mine constantly tells me I can’t claim for things I’m pretty sure I can justify as she says it could be queried.
So if we had a linear scale of nastiness/corruption from 0-100 where 0 was totally not nasty/ uncorrupt and 100 was devilishly evil and twatty where would we put A) Angela Raynor? B) Matt Hancock?
No matter ow much you get paid £250 is a lot of money. How much should an employee shell out out of their own pocket for work expenses? £300? £400? £1000?
Not being funny but I earn a decent wack and my job entails zoom and team calls, if my boss told me I had to buy my own earphones I’d tell him to FRO.
Surely MPs need tools of the trade though? And in Covid times particularly, where there will be less face to face meetings I can't see why earphones would be a problem.
That’s the thing though isn’t it, would imagine most people commenting don’t have a need for this sort of thing in their working life, so perhaps can’t appreciate the need. I have a range of Apple products for work, but would not dream of paying that sort of money for this sort of thing. I have a pair of £30 ish version which work fine for me, the difference though is I use them only for running, if I needed them for regular Zoom meetings, interviews etc I would buy them.
Imagine the uproar if an MP was either missing whole meetings or vitally important parts because they didn’t have the correct technology.
Has anyone mentioned the fact that being able to communicate from home. I’m guessing Will have saved thousands on expenses. Travel. Hotels. Food etc. By not having to go into Westminster. It Would be interesting to compare 2019/20 and 2020/21 claims. On the whole. ?
And my earlier point was that a whole bunch of people are driving around in cars not paid for with ‘their own money’. No one cares, if it’s ‘my money’ subsidising the B&Q regional manager’s Merc. But they do care when it’s someone in public office; and worse - as here, when it’s been dog whistled by one particular side to whip up bad feelings about the other. And I’m forever astounded that people support unfettered wealth when earned in the ‘private sector’ (no matter how much it’s tax payer subsidised, or otherwise undeserved) yet public servants and politicians should work for a pittance but still be expected to work just as hard, be just as talented and driven.
And Sir Philip Green gets to keep his knighthood. And his Yachts while the serfs lose their jobs. Angela Raynor . Boooo hisss. Ffs.
I'd encourage people to do a quick internet search for "robert jenrick expenses" Just for balance and all that.
I honestly knew someone in my first job who claimed for the stamp needed to post his expense receipts into the business for the claim.
4 pages on £250 headphones and it’s clear the right no longer care about anti Semitism in Labour (now Corbyns gone) and the left are happy to carry on pretending it’s a made up issue. but... headphones