Or if they just didn't turn up to the first five cobra meetings regarding covid because they couldn't be arsed.
This... The 4th* Not the 1st, but the other 3 were Jewish, who Angela doesn’t seem to think are an ethnic minority worth mentioning. *including Ed Milliband, you’d think she’d remember him? edit ... bugger keep missing the tweet where she describes him as the first ethnic minority leader.
I spend much of my time creating interactive charts that categorise young people by their core data. One of these variables is ethnicity. The categories I use are from the CBDS (common basic data set). It's not perfect but it's a lot closer to perfect than any other official list on the subject. Jewish is not an ethnicity on this list. From a personal point of view it's a religious belief isn't it? I could be White British and Jewish or Black African and Jewish. Both those ethnicities are on the list - main code CS080
No; it’s also an ethnicity. I was born to Methodist parents but I am an atheist. If I was born to Jewish parents and became an atheist, the world would still see a Jew. Do you think people could have escaped the gas chambers by simply saying they didn’t go to synagogue and were partial to a bacon sarnie?
With all due respect we do not categorise people by the values of the third Reich. In the UK we categorise people by what is on the CBDS, that I referred to in my previous post. You saying "no" doesn't change that. It's your personal philosophy and I'm not going to argue with you on that or attempt to change your mind, but for anything official you are incorrect. You can download the CBDS from the government website, do a search for common basic dataset. I actually find it interesting.
Ok Do you think famous ‘Jewish’ people in this country don’t suffer from racist abuse simply because they’re now atheists? You might technically see a difference and have a handbook, but do you think the Chelsea fans hissing (mimicking gas chambers) at Spurs fans actually care what your handbook says? Or do they just see ‘Jews’ and react accordingly?
The fact that there is still discrimination against people of the Jewish faith doesn’t make it an ethnicity.
Explain to me in simple terms, how an atheist born of Jewish parents isn’t abused due to an ethnicity? How cartoon and dramatic depictions of Jews based on physical appearance aren’t based on ‘ethnicity’?
I'm not denying or attempting to deny any discrimination against Jewish people. Your original post wasn't anything about that. It was about the ethnicity of politicians. As I've said, Jewish is not an ethnicity in the UK. People are discriminated on much more things than ethnicity.
It's weird this BBS. You can actually give someone the official definition of the subject at hand and they'll still argue.
Does the lived experience of Jews who definitely believe that they are an ethnicity and treated as such mean anything to you? Or is the lived experience of people unimportant as you don’t have a tick box?
Does the official (short) list contain the option Any other ethnic group? Meaning the list acknowledges it’s not comprehensive.
For the same reason the CEO of a company earning 3 or 4 times as much will put in an expenses claim every month and the same reason I put one in every month while earning much less, because we are allowed to it's part of the terms and conditions of the job simple as that. Stop trying to make an issue out of something which is perfectly acceptable normal and in no way illegal immoral or even slightly naughty. Tell you what try doing a bit of research into how many Billions yes BILLIONS of pounds the Tories have given in contracts to themselves their families friends and colleagues during Covid, many of which have been a complete failure like unusable PEP the world beating don't track and can't trace system etc etc and if after all that youre still concerned about a legitimate expense claim of £249 go boil your head because youre an idiot
Isn't Jewish both a religion and an ethnicity though? You can have ethnic Jews that are not religious Jews, along with people of other ethnicities that are Jewish religiously. I thought it was pretty commonly accepted that this was the case?
Never seen so many folk on here defending MP’s spending or twisting it to be a Labour Tory thing or that she shouldn't have to pay out of her own pocket type things, even the number of flash cars on the road being financed by expenses ( not taxpayers money that’s the difference) or even trying to mitigate it by ( laughably) pointing out how much Tories have spent, it’s not a party thing it’s stupid spending across the board. My point wasn’t that she should have to buy her own but how much she spent on them, they should have centralised buying even sponsored ( no company turns down free publicity) but no they bang on buying top end products independently and sticking it on individual expenses. It wasn’t an isolated case that pales into insignificance against money that government that’s a different thing it’s an example of parties just pissing taxpayers money away by not having the common sense they were born with.