Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts. I've got 4 vouchers to use so if I get some improvement with balance I'll get to the games against Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd and probably Chelski. COYR
Best wishes pal, I don't know what stage you are at, Hopefully with treatment. You have a decent prognosis, and can still get around ok for a time to come,
Very sorry to hear this old chap, take care of yourself and don't worry about putting a downer on anyone, you've every right to share and offload; better than bottling it up.
All the best mate. Feel free to unburden yourself any time.Far better than bottling it up and there's usually someone around to listen. As I've said before, we're all Reds together
I hope and pray for you and a cure for Parkinson’s.It is an illness which i have close family knowledge of and would not wish this illness on anyone.God bless and take care.
Really sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers for you and your loved ones. If it gets to the point where you think it appropriate, you could investigate the unit for supporters with disabilities. I reckon it is probably the best such facility in the EFL and possibly Premiership as well. They are so accommodating and a carer goes free with you. Just a thought. And you get a pork pie, biscuit and cuppa at half time. They are just great and caring folk in there. Brilliant facility.
I would recommend joining the Barnsley Branch of the Parkinsons Society. In 'normal times' they meet monthly at Emmanual Church on Huddersfield Road. You will meet people who understand and will help with information and assistance. Besides having monthly speakers, physios etc, confidential counselling. exercise classes, they also have excellent tea and home made cakes.
Awful news. Any time you feel the need to get things off your chest, the BBS is the perfect place to do it. All the best to you now and in the future, mate.
Sorry to read about your health issues I hope that the treatments available to you keep you well for as long as possible Every time I see you posting on here and in particular the photograph, I keep meaning to say that I have the complete photograph showing all the players. My brother Alan was the goalkeeper. I have spoken to Alan, who tells me it was you that introduced him to his wife and after 50years he has just about forgiven you. In any even he would like to get in touch with you and wondered if could you please let me know your contact details to send on to him. You may be aware that he has lived in Aberdeen for the last 40 odd years, though he has not lost his Barnsley accent.
Thanks for that, I've got the original photo too and I remember Alan very well as a mate and a good goalkeeper. I don't know how to send a private message but I can be contacted at Cheers