My understanding too. A jewish work colleague once told me that someone can convert to Judaism but it doesn't make them a jew. A jew is an ethnicity in their eyes and can only be claimed through genetic links.
Any chance this story is a means of deflecting the flat renovation at number 11 DS? Boris spending so much money, and purportedly trying to set up a charity to fund it? This story is from the Daily Nazi.
So there are Jewish Jews and non-Jewish Jews. Makes sense to Donald Rumsfeld anyway. When is a Jew not a Jew? When they’re a non-Jewish Jew.
You can follow judaism but it doesnt make you a jew in many of their eyes. Jew being the ethnicity and separate to judaism. Not sure what is so difficult to grasp with this, but as per your current form for interacting with others over this past year it doesn't surprise me. I'll leave you guys to it.
You can’t honestly still think you’re right about lockdowns? One of the worst death rates in the world. Worst economic damage in the developed world. One of the toughest restriction regimes in the world. If you can’t admit you’re wrong even after all that, I honestly can’t help you.
What on earth has that got to do with this topic? Im on about the way you speak to others on here. You used to be a decent poster but you're just being a dick now. People are entitled to differing views you know.
You keep doing this false equivalence, and denying all evidence that makes you incorrect. Of course all your points are ‘correct’, but that’s simply down to a massively incompetent and corrupt government. Not due to ‘lockdowns’, except it seems in your head.
It was literally you who referenced it - well I assume that’s what you were referring to??? And then in the same sentence, you call me a dick and also say people are allowed different opinions. You’re all over the place. Have a nice day, and thanks for the insult.
Ok - so in your head the lockdowns were effective and correct, and all of the facts mentioned - which we agree on - are in spite of the Government following this correct strategy. Do you know how daft that sounds? These lockdowns and restrictions are at the core of the Government’s strategy. They are literally the defining part of it, along with vaccines which pretty much everyone agrees have been a roaring success so far.
Was initially referring to how you have been speaking to others on here since all this started, not Covid itself or your views about it. The tone and use of sarcasm in everything you reply to which i find out of order. One recent example was a poster said NZ had done well containing it and next thing you said was something along lines of "oh he just wants it like north korea". Totally unnecessary. And you're right, I shouldn't have called you a dick. My apologies. Just frustrated.
No; that’s a million miles away from what I posted. Once again you’ve missed off a whole load of info just to create a counterpoint It’s beyond reality, and it’s beyond boring.
Bingo. Further evidence during recent government **** ups, they basically said "look at that dinghy, send them back"".