I said, I’m surprised the left leaning BBS isn’t delighted by that. The BBS is left leaning yet the OP wasn’t delighted by that.
the net effect will be less. The employment budget will just be spread through a lower headcount in many organisations. furlough has aided some companies in delaying the inevitable. Some sectors will get a bounce when it’s finally allowed to open, but plenty won’t. It’s a diverse economy, so a broad brush doesn’t show the true picture, but the mood through my contacts is pessimistic and I was on a zoom panel earlier with around 20 business leaders of varying sized companies. The consensus wasn’t good.
Most of the responses to him have disagreed, to be fair. The BBS might lean left, but obviously that doesn't mean that everybody who posts on it does.
Try telling that to those who have already lost their job even though furlough was an option to the employer.
Not taxing large companies and multinationals more money is the most bonkers political decision ever. imo.
I think you know what Mean, the fact that giving people pay rises particularly on minimum wage, isn’t /shouldn’t be exclusive to a political way, it’s what should happen.
Nope I'm low paid and work in the hospitality sector and I know that there were discussions last year about the financial impact of the wage rise on the company I work for let alone this year when they have had to make massive cut backs including selling off assets bistro survive. My post wasn't a 'lets keep the low paid workers down' post or me thinking I'm better than them, I am them. It's simply my opinion that putting extra pressure on struggling businesses right now is crazy and by doing that specifically with workers wages will only lead to more job losses as it's a great excuse to say the workers are too expensive. Don't forget that the government could have given the same realistic pay rise to the low paid via tax breaks and that could very easily have been paid for by higher taxation on their mates, instead they've froze the tax levels for the poor paid (meaning they pay MORE tax) and passed the burden onto businesses instead
I’m not on about this board, I’m on about increasing the minimum wage. Anyway, where is the centre ground to decide what’s left and right? That’s a whole other discussion
I’m a little bit concerned about him extending furlough that long. Not because it’s not a good idea to support folk, it obviously is but it might be because he’s providing lots of wiggle room to push opening up stuff back
Christ. It wasn’t a criticism of the BBS. I hate myself alresdy for getting involved on a political thread.
Almost as bonkers as the idea that the towns that are in need of the "Towns Fund" to regenerate, 40 out of 45 are towns with Tory MPs or councils (including just Stocksbridge in our area). Amazing coincidence