It was Very noticeable last night that Mowatt looked knackered. I also thought he carried a knock from the first half. Hope he doesn’t end up with burn out. The others in general are coping quite well and the substitutions work a treat. Sibbick looks fitter and fitter with each game and the centre of defence can be moved around. Styles gets relief. Via Williams. But Mowatt and Brittan have had little or no respite since the turn of the year. I believe Brittan could be replaced/given a break ( eg Sibbick, with sol going in at CH ) . But how do we replace Mowatt like for like.?
The simple answer is we can't, Mowatt is irreplaceable in this team. We'll be a poorer team without him in it for sure
No. It's about momentum and the old adage of 'not changing a winning team'. If I remember correctly the season we were promoted to the Prem we only used 18 players in the first team squad.
Yes we just have to trust in the science behind it all and Vals decisions based on that. We could however adapt our gameplan in a couple of goals up in a match. Try a bit more relaxed keep the ball passing rather than trying to keep up the fantastic workrate we have seen for the full 90. Would also improve the passing element / final ball part of our game which is sometime my only worry in some matches where we give the ball away too easily. That's by no means a huge criticism as we have been superb this season and the table reflects that. I do think if fatigue is becoming an issue though, Val may have to adjust his game management. Huge credit to all at BFC so far this season so far.. Hope we can continue to ride this wave..You reds !!
The only player that looks knackered for me is Brittain. This is the strange thing though. He only looks weary until he gets up to speed with the game then he's fine. I've noticed opposition targeting his flank presumably for this reason.
Yes our players looked a bit tired yesterday, but the playing schedule is the same for all the other teams. We have the youngest squad and arguably the fittest in the championship, so we are better suited in terms of recovery.