scare the living daylights out of me? Is he real or a puppet/robot/animation cos whatever he/it is I can't watch. It's very unnerving.
To be fair he used to annoy the **** out of me but he’s mellowed out a lot the last few years and he seems a really nice lad. He’s more than just those that are famous because they’re famous imo.
I'd forgotten how bad he was!! One good thing about the girls getting older is not having to endure rubbish like that!
Terrible facial surgery and dental work,when he didn't need it. He accepts he made a mistake,it's ruined his face.
That's interesting. I have absolutely no idea who he is but if he has succumbed to facial surgery then there's no wonder I'm freetened ! But then again Carol Vorderman now scares me !
Another one who as made a very healthy financial living out of not been very good at singing, that Collins woman is another one, love Island, Geordie Shore, Big Brother, all have made undeserving people millionaires ( imo) A very simple format for very simple people to watch ( not my quote btw but I largely concur)
Can't argue with a single word mate. It's a sad indictment of "popular culture". I pretty much hate all of these type of programs. Brainless TV for morons.
His name is false as well. On a recent episode of Gogglebox, his mother revealed that his real name is Ross Richard Clark. The Neal part of his name came about after his marriage to his partner Dan Neal.