For those of you wondering how the Conservative government would repay South Yorkshire voters after Brexit.
This is exactly what us Remoaners were warning about- one of the positive things about a flawed EU was its social fund for deprived regions. Take that away and you're relying on your government to redress this inequality. I thought they might have at least pretended to do that for a while, but with turkeys voting for their own Christmas, they obviously know they can get away with anything.
nah it’s just the nasty EU picking on us you’ve got to give it time. Look a foreigner it’s there fault. Don’t you love ah country or what
Yeah, I don't like 'I told you so' posts- I just feel really angry and let down by some I consider my own people.
Wow, that is actually pathetic from the government. How anybody could vote for these guys I don't know. Sunak's own constituency being included is the most damning one. It's so transparent. They're not even trying to hide it. But everyone just lets them get away with it every time. Nobody cares about stuff like this - "Captain hindsight" (the new But Corbyn) will be thrown back and everyone will move on. Mental.
Yea Yeah but that very Deprived area of Richmond in North Yorkshire is gonna do alright out of it innit. Wonder who’s constituency that is. But don’t worry because they’re going to publish the reasonings behind this, apparrently
I repeat what I said in the 1% pay rise for NHS staff thread. Did anyone seriously expect anything else?
This govt know that they can just do what they want now, no need to try and hide it, they know what buttons to push in the press and enough of the public, they can not only get away with it, they can take the **** They have a lead in the polls, after a year of Worst covid death rate per capita in the world Biggest hit on economy in G7 Jenrick's intervention for tory donor's Williamson's debacle on exam results Williamson's debacle on return to school after the summer holiday Williamson's debacle on return to school after the Christmas holidays Forgetting Covid exists for Christmas Patel being found to have broken the ministerial code Hancock found to have acted unlawfully with how contracts were awarded and published Getting the whole of the cabinet to defend Cummings after driving from London to Durham with Covid symptoms Defending Cummings' idea that driving to test your eyes is a good idea Sunak insisting on withdrawing furlough until the last minute, when London moved into tier 3 Politicising financial support for Greater Manchester And that's before we get onto Brexit and NI protocol realities vs tory promises. There'll no doubt be countless more, its just that they normalise the ineptitude and corruption by doubling down on it. No scrutiny, no accountability. Yet large portions of the press and public do not care. You hear more about Angela Raynor's AirPods.
They don’t care that it’s so obvious because they want it to be. They want to send the message that if you vote Conservative you get back handers and if you don’t you get nothing.
Agree completely, Miriam Cates was actually grinning when asked about this. They are blatantly being unfair but don’t care.
Exactly. They aren't trying to win over labour voters by treating them nice and winning them over, they're trying to scare them into the knowledge that if you vote against the Tories you get ignored. The message isn't 'we are the Tories and we are fair' it's 'we are in power and if you want ANYTHING you will join us or else'
Did anybody really expect a Tory government not to **** on Barnsley and its people they will never forgive the town and it's people for being the starting point and main driver of the miners strike in 84 we dared to stand up to Thatcher and the power of the establishment and we will be punished for that for decades to come. We could return 3 Tory MPs at the next GE and they would just laugh in our faces and **** on us anyway. Tories are elitist self serving ******** always have been always will be working people who vote for them because they think the Tories have their interests at heart are just gullible fools sadly there are alot of them.