That is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen at football game. He obviously woke up that morning and thought, "I'm going to kill a random innocent person today"
I wouldn’t have described it like that as a 12 yr old but he did support my weight enough for a high kick
My mum tells me I ran off with the bag of bread - a big orange Warburtons toasties one - trailing behind me. The assorted waterfowl swiftly caught up and massacred both me and the bread
Seeing them ( a couple/handful) run down the stand after they scored. Leapfrogging over our disabled. Grabbing the corner flag. Trying to hit any Barnsley fan within reach. Grimsby. Maddest b’stds I’ve ever come across. I allus say dockers/fishermen maddest fuckers in Britain. Just study the clubs histories of football violence.
Canteen woman at Barnsley Main the day after I'd said a bacon butty I'd bought had given me food poisoning....scary
Is everybody calling goats bàstards today? First @Stahlrost, now you. I'm not saying it's unwarranted, mind.
Outside ground straight after the game a group of us were walking back to the bus. There was quite a large group of us and some of lads I was with were very big lads, I was the smallest and I’m 6 foot 2. Anyway this kid started to give it the big I am. Some of the lads I was with responded and told him to do one. Next thing and I kid you not, he pulled a 2 foot Samurai sword out of his trousers and started swinging it about like a lunatic. To this day I’ve never seen anything like it.
Geese and Ducks for me too at Potter Heigham on the Norfolk Broads . Just because I had the audacity not to throw them any bread as I walked from the boat to the shops .
A German Shepherd at Heath Common traveller site in Wakefield. Still got the scars to prove it. Nasty dogs them.
Some years ago when I lived in Hong Kong I went to visit a site in the New Territories. It was Sunday and the site was closed. On my way back to the car there was a Bamboo snake. It was an equilateral triangle with me the car and the snake. Bamboo snakes are quite aggressive and very poisonous. When on the ground they move quickly like a ‘sidewinder’ with their head about 6” above the ground. It was ‘fight or flight’ and discretion won out over valour. I got to the car before the snake got to me.
Loads of cows, a baboon, a goat (yes honest), geese, a swan, a bull, sheep, a ram, the landlady of the Head of Steam at Huddersfield Station, billions of midges, several lapwings, a curlew, a mistle thrush, an alpaca, a police constable at Valley Parade, a Grimsby fan. Oh, and some pigs and a pair of owls.