"eric the goat" in long kesh was a right *******, he used to get tangled up in the guy ropes of the 27' comms masts and when you went to untangle him he try to bite and/or nut you
He was ok. I think he was embarrassed by his early celebrity and just wanted to be one of the lads, which he was. When I was a teenager, getting chased was par for the course. Youths were so territorial and you went somewhere different at your peril. Hemsworth and Kirkby/Elmsall typically didn’t mix, although some of our parents worked together at the pits. You could expect to be chased if you went out of your own village. I once walked down the railway track to avoid bumping into anyone on my way home. I had just got to the safety of the Hemsworth side of Kirkby pit and was shot in the arse with a pellet gun
I remember in my youth me & my mate cycled round the coast of Wales, then over the Severn Bridge & back up through Stratford on Avon. We stayed in youth hostels & you always got a little chore to do before you left in a morning. I remember at one we were tasked with "moving the goat", that was tethered to the ground to a new patch of grass. Not an easy task I can tell you. We were also chased by a bull on that trip too from memory....
May have been the same match. ( been a few times) Sat in the pub on the sea front, packed with Barnsley fans. We were Watching through the window, a couple of Southend fans on phones trying to rally troops. So to speak. 1 young un shouted “come on let’s sort em afore the rest come.” I replied “go on then young un, fill thi booits” Landlord went outside told them on the phone to eff off as he’d phoned the police. Nervy walk later to the ground.(6 on us) waiting to be ambushed, thankfully we went unscathed.
Yeah. Sumat weird happened that night. The landlord of the Cornucopia owned the guest house we stayed in. A lot of West Ham fans caught wind that Barnsley fans were staying in the area over night and were out looking for us too. Nothing came of it though luckily. Maybe it was that landlord that saved our bacon after the match.
Just remembered (don't worry it's an age thing), years ago got chased through town after giving this car driver the bird after he pipped me when crossing the road. He was nowhere near me and I had got to the other side before he even passed. So I thought I'd give him the finger, as there's no way he'll stop his car on a main road. Except he stopped his car on the main road, and got out and started towards me! I legged it... 2 minutes later I turned round and he wasn't following....
I was chased on a night out in Pontefract. I'd sat in the back of the Red Lion because it was open late and enjoying the disco. Next thing this family came and sat next to me. I'm looking at the fifty something woman with tattoos thinking is that a bloke. I asked her daughter if it was a bloke. I was punched in the face. The next thing she told her fella, he cracked me as well and chased me down Gillygate. I didn't stop running until I got near Baghill Station.
Pop man that used go around worsbrough Dale in the late 90s he’d stopped at a house on thicket lane me and a few mates decided we fancied the bottles of D&B and shandy not realising the jack russel in the van alerted pop man to our tea leafing man to leg it back home with him chasing us only to bump into my old fella coming from the I think it was the greyhound he gave me and my mates a right clip.. Pop man was a Barnsley fan so if you’re on here I whole heartedly apologise
Loads: My Dad, when I called Mrs Wenham a daft old bag when I was 10 years old. He chased me through a glass door - it hurt. Sorry Mrs Wenham - no need. Michael Spinks - when I sneaked into the ground at the back of the brewery for the promotion game against Grimsby in 1979. He pushed me into Martin Tyler in the tunnel as he was dragging me out and Tyler kneed me in the stomach. Barsted. 200 Colchester fans in 1980 when they smashed up The Cudeth Supporters Bus before the game. The Chairman shouted 'come on lads we can have these' and we piled of the bus behind him. Or so I though. Only 4 got off before the driver shut the doors and he drove off leaving us facing the hoards. An aftermath: Beef burger Ben (mentioned earlier in this thread) then led a pitch invasion which Allan Clarke had to calm down. The weirdest though was when I was attacked by a Carlisle Utd thalidomide victim on the terraces at Brunten Park. I was with a group of 'mates' (friends - not the contraceptives) and he was 'swinging' out at me. I was hugely embarrassed and didn't know what to do so started running down the terrace to get away from him. My friends were not wholly sympathetic to my predicament.
We went to a new nightclub in South Kirkby that opened and ended up in right battle with Kirby/Elmsall lads
One of the lads from fev. Told me this one. Him and his mates went to watch Featherstone rovers at Salford. They were chased back to the Car when the car owner said. “slow down now. I’ve got this”. Opened the boot and pulled out a 12 bore. They scarpered pretty quick.
Not me personally, but I distinctly remember my Dad being chased up and down the length of the car park at Mother Shipton's Cove by an enraged Turkey who thought my dad had purposefully hit it with his car door (obviously he didn't know it was there) Literally the funniest thing I have ever witnessed.