Have I? By being consistent with my complete disdain for the media and repeating what I've been saying for months? Shots fired and shots missed there I'm afraid.
I think that his need to ‘clarify’ what he said either shows that he was too scattergun in his initial views which led to people believing he was denigrating someone with mental health issues and the impact of them or that he was just trying to dilute what he actually said. The truth is perhaps between the two.
No she couldn’t. But people even spouting ‘if’ she’s lying are risking doing damage. It seems bandwagon jumping trumps actual mental health concerns still. Caroline Flack commits suicide - everyone ‘Oh we should have been nicer to her, she only needed to say she needed help’. Robin Williams commits suicide ‘he should have reached out - there was lots of love for him’. Mixed race pregnant woman talks about having suicidal thoughts’ - Yeah but she could be lying!!! WTF is wrong with people
He’s on record saying ‘everything’ she said is a lie. But you’re happy to read that as ‘everything except the bit about suicide’.
I don’t think we’ll ever find out mate but I prefer to take what she says at face value, what I will say is someone with such a high profile speaking out about it can only be a good thing.
Laughing at him posting this without a sense of irony or self awareness after he stormed out when a colleague mildly criticised him on air.
He said that he didn't believe that she had reported it to people within the Palace. There are 2 possible implications of the statement - she is lying about feeling suicidal full stop, or she did feel suicidal but is lying about asking for help. So giving him the benefit of the doubt, he was at least implying (without any justification or evidence) that she was lying about reporting a mental health issue in order to smear the Palace.
To be fair mate, you’ve had a go at @Loko the Tyke for swallowing Piers Morgan cover up yet you’ve believed every word she’s said, now I’m not saying she’s wrong but unless we were all privy to their private conversation then no one will truly know, it was only his opinion like.
He can't even take his nine year old daughter out without being followed today. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/breaking-piers-morgan-brands-meghan-23656055
It’s not about me ‘believing every word she’s said’. I literally couldn’t care less about the Royal family and whether she’s an amazing role model or a total bitch. However it ought to be flipping obvious that to publicly question someone’s mental health is about the worst thing you could do to ‘anyone’ who reads that who might be in the same position. Just think about the consequences of what you’re posting here.
Correct. Have I disagreed with that? In fact, I think I basically said exactly that just in a different way. Good to see the BBS pile-on hasn't taken a week off though with the usual suspects coming out to play.
QUOTE="Donny-Red, post: 2682548, member: 122133"]It’s not about me ‘believing every word she’s said’. I literally couldn’t care less about the Royal family and whether she’s an amazing role model or a total bitch. However it ought to be flipping obvious that to publicly question someone’s mental health is about the worst thing you could do to ‘anyone’ who reads that who might be in the same position. Just think about the consequences of what you’re posting here.[/QUOTE] You mean stuff like this Or
Whilst I disagree with your viewpoint I respect it and certainly don't want to be part of any "pile-on". Just offering a different view. Mental health is my job and I'm very passionate about it. Im also concerned about the effect what he has said will have.
The media always put their own spin on it so it suits their own narrative and gets the clicks, likes and retweets they need to make money. The actual truth is often hidden deep within the article and bears no resemblance to the headline. Sadly, people just lap it up because it’s what they want to hear / want to be true. The trouble is we need the media. We have to rely on media reports because we can’t be everywhere to witness everything first hand. Perhaps the solution is stricter broadcasting regulations and more clearly defined boundaries between what constitutes “news reporting” and what constitutes “opinion”? There’s nothing wrong with media outlets expressing opinions as long as it’s not purported to be fact. It’s most rife at either end of the political spectrum, where “journalists” are in fact political activists.
Not necessarily you, I just don't have the inclination these days to reply to 5/6 quoted posts when the notifications go off and people try to make out you've said something you haven't or look for a cheap dig. I'm not sure you do disagree with my viewpoint to be honest mate, that's the frustration, as we've got the same opinion and attitude to mental health. I just don't think saying Piers Morgan outright said 'She's lying about wanting to kill herself' gives the full story of the exchange. I never said he was blameless, acted correctly, or anything like that. But as always, when trying to offer a different perspective or interpretation on something posts can just feel quite 'pile-on' like. And the irony of that in a thread abut mental health isn't lost on me at all.
You reframed it as him saying that he didn't believe the Palace had responded to her reporting the issues in the way she said, which is a generous reading of his comments. He clearly suggested that she hadn't reported it at all, which carries one of the 2 implications I referred to previously. I'm not sure how I'm "piling on" - I think I made a legitimate point without any personal edge. A bit Morgan-esque to call it a pile on...