"I didn't believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah interview. I've had time to reflect this morning, and I still don't". Piers Morgan. 6.11am This morning. I'd say that's accusing her of outright lying about wanting to kill herself.
Yeah completely agree we are on same page about mental health, I'm just seeing that interview differently and don't think for a second that he didn't mean what the media have jumped on. He hates her and that completely clouded his judgement on Monday.
The Venn diagram of people that say they hate the media, use the words “Fake News” and believe everything they read on any right wing gutter press is just a circle.
I bet it's actually a difficult job being a professional contrarian gobsh1te. You have to be enough of an arsehole to stir things up and generate interest via outrage but have to be mindful that if you slip up and go too deep into the cuntishness spectrum you'll get sacked.
A snivelling, obnoxious cretin who should have been put out with the rubbish years ago at the height of the hacking scandal. How he ended up on our TV screens I have no idea. Vile bloke. Proper sewer rat.
Then I don’t know why you picked up on my post, or made a huge leap to suggest that I ‘believe every word she said’. odd at best As my only point has been and remains, publicly dismissing the words of a person who has said they’ve had suicidal thoughts is a terrible thing to do. And I’m not pointing fingers, but several people in this thread have done just that. Some of them whilst acknowledging that it’s dangerous.
Not a fan of Piers. As for the other two, my heart bleeds for them. Two millionaires whining to a billionaire in the grounds of a LA super-mansion about how terrible their lives are. Read the room, FFS. Also, I'm equally as sorry for being a bit sceptical about believing everything at face value what a trained actress with a history of deceit and manipulation has to say. But really, couldnt care less. They all live in Cuckooland, monarchy, Oprah, Meghan and Harry...
Wow! If you think that’s a huge leap! Anyway I’ll leave it there cos I’ve to watch the consequences of my posts....not pointing any fingers tho
Even if you think they're lying about feeling suicidal you don't say that, you keep it to yourself. It's not difficult.
Well at no point have I even suggested that I believe her. Just that (and I’ll be a bit more blunt) only an utter cu nt would call her a liar out loud. Or indeed defend someone that does. It’s a simple enough premise.
Maybe i'm missing something in this bizarre exchange between the two of you but it seems you both pretty much have the same standpoint?!