Wealth, no matter how much of it you have, doesn't stop you being affected by bullying, racism and constant character assassinations designed to break you. You can build as many physical walls as you want with money but you can't turn your heart and brain off.
Good. He deserves to know exactly how it feels and it's his choice to court controversy and beg for attention like an unloved 6 year old At least when he is choosing to act in a way that causes his kids privacy to be ever so slightly invaded she isn't laid naked decomposing in the middle of a wood somewhere. He gets to kiss his kid goodnight every day, he isn't sat at home worried sick and clinging to a false hope that his little girl is still alive somewhere because her voicemails are being accessed.
Like I say, my heart bleeds. I'm not excusing those things if that is what they've been through, but for me, the evidence is shaky at best. They're serious accusations and they need backing up with evidence. What about the accusations made against her of bullying? I'm sorry but it stinks. They want a life out of the limelight in privacy. Yet they'll invite Netflix into their home, fire up a podcast, do a huge interview with Oprah, do voiceovers for Disney and whatever else is coming. Practice what you preach and all that...
No sorry, no matter how much of a celebrity lifestyle you lead that does not and never will justify the constant character assassination. So what if they're doing work with Netflix? You know what rights that gives us? It gives us the right to watch it if we choose, it doesn't give us the right to absolutely slaughter them and to accuse them of lying about feeling suicidal. It's not just wrong, it's ******* sick to think it does.
I've not claimed she's lied about feeling suicidal. I'm not sure I could acquaint asking a few questions about their consistency in public life with 'slaughtering' them. I've no desire to slaughter them at all. I just believe that if you preach one thing, from a position of privilege, you should back it up with your actions. For me, they haven't. How many times do we see day in day out on here everyone slaughtering politicians for their inconsistency? And what about those character assassinations? Now everyone is being kind (I'd like to point out this government deserves an hammering). All I know is there is always two sides to every story. And I simply don't believe everything she says. My opinion. Appreciate yours. We've agreed on many things in the past on this forum, I believe. But not sure we see eye to eye on the motives of Magz and Hazza. I wish them no harm, but don't expect me to suck up to them. My heart actually goes out to 40 million Americans filing for unemployment, struggling to feed their families. Maybe I'm cold hearted, but that is where my concerns lays. I'll leave this here.
This must be a first, I agree with Loko. Piers Morgan didn't actually specifically say that she was lying about her mental health. He spoke generally, saying that he didn't believe a word she had said, in relation to the whole interview. Someone would say that without literally meaning every single word they had said. It's a figure of speech which we all use from time to time.
It seems to me that because there is an incidence of racism on one side of the story people are diving straight down the route of then giving full credence to everything else that the other side says. For me there's no high ground to be had on either side of this. The world has far more serious things to worry about than Harry, Meghan and Queenie.
I could agree with that except after he was criticised for saying it and for the implication of what he said he didn't apologise or try to explain that he didn't mean that. Instead he basically said 'ive thought hard about it and I stand by my comment'
https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/susanna-reid-gmb-kate-garraway-piers-morgan-exit-b923467.html I suspect she will follow him out the door. He's one of her best mates despite how much they disagree and has built the show together from one that was well behind BBC Breakfast in the ratings, to one that beat them for Piers last day. ITV to keep the ratings battle close have a tough time replacing Piers, so won't want to have to replace Susanna too who I think will also quit at some point this year to turn up with him somewhere else.
Is it possible to say I really hate the odious, phone hacking ball bag but also dislike anything that has anything to do with the royal family and the privilege that brings.