And a piece from the sportsman on us amongst the comments . Apologies if posted b4 , I havnt seen any .
Nowt too bad there really. I don’t generally like league one clubs that buy success, but I don’t find Bournemouth fans too bad from what I’ve read. I think they know they could end up back at their natural level sooner or later. One guys play thing isn’t everyone’s idea of a worthwhile investment. They’ve been living the dream.
Whenever we were away to Bournemouth, I’d go for the weekend to Castleton & listen to the radio commentary whilst drinking hobgoblin in the Peaks Inn - did it 3 times & we always won! Pubs shut this weekend tbough
Off licence crate of beer Find a designated driver Let he or she drive you to Castleton and sneak in a beer garden.
Was gonna suggest the same thing, basically. If it guaranteed 3 points, I'd piggy back him there wi a ladder.
I love Castleton. I took Sionnach there in 2019 for a night and she loved the place. If we actually get to travel this year we're heading back.
Level devils over the years.