In October 2016 I completed the 3 yorkshire peaks with a group from " The Reds in the Community " raising money for Barnsley Hospice , it was a fantastic day comprising of about 35 to 40 of us , all reds fans attempting the challenge . I was wondering if any more current active members of the BBS were on that trip that day , I seem to remember Wayne Bullimore being in the group & I am not sure if Whitey was on board, but although Father Time is catching up on me I would love it if under normal circumstances if that charitable challenge could be attempted again , the buzz I got from completing the challenge was fantastic but the camaraderie amongst the group was something special as of course was the cause we were raising money for . I am not sure if The Reds in The Community still exists, but I thank them for giving me one of the greatest memories of my life time
I’m in if you’re planning it again. Always fancied doing it and I’ll be semi-retired as of the 26th, so finding the time’s not an issue.
I did it. Last one back. Halfway through, the challenge of 12 hours went out of window. 13 hours it took 3 of us.
To be honest Micky I didn"t have anything to do with the organising of the event , that was down to " The Reds in the Community group " I just put my name down to join in when the event was advertised through the club but like yourself I would be up for giving it a go if enough people were interested . I think you would love it ,although its 26 miles long & 3 mountains which means you need plenty of training
We did not go on any race mate , it was a trek up the three mountains & between ,starting & finishing in Horton , it took me 11 hrs to complete the 26 miles
Nevertheless any finish within 12 hours is a tidy time. You can buy a badge at the shop at Horton if you do it under that time. Such a time is even more impressive for a party of walkers as you are usually slowed to the pace of the slowest walker. Times nowadays are likely to be faster as a lot of the route is paved. However this can be very hard on your legs.
Am aiming to do it May, for no other reason that it is something to aim for. My best time for walking it was 7 hrs 58. But the proudest was 2018, for Teenage Cancer Trust. Cycled from Bingley to Horton (well over 2 hours) then walked the three peaks in 9 hours with about 20 others. Biggest regret was not cycling back home, I'll never be that fit again. The Bradford walk was good @nomad, enjoyed that. Also did Huddersfield for @fired and Disability sport Yorkshire. Derby over 2 days was the hardest - nearly finished me off.
Start by doing the Bingley Bash route - you can start from Crossroads (ish). Decent walk especially now the ground is not as soggy. Circles Cullingworth. Harden, Wilsden. I use it as a practise route when planning something tough.
You and Whitey ambled at a reasonable pace until we got within a mile of a pub, then you both morphed into Mo Farah
I’ve done it once and contemplating a second attempt. It’s challenging if you’re not that fit, but if you already walk a bit it’s not that difficult. We managed it in a respectable 9 hours on a gloriously sunny Saturday in September - not sure I’d enjoy it half as much in the rain.
I was on that one with RITC also did the Bradford walk. I have walked around 600 miles so far in 2021
Cheers for that mate. Suspect I've done most of it in instalments!! Will give it a crack. Currently running 7k every other day and walking about the same with the hound on the other days, so reasonably fit at the moment. Lost over 2st since this whole schittshow started last March.