That's it kid you have hit the nail on the head "everything I listed was there and has been reported with images and /or videos" well if you were not there to see it yourself then keep listening and reading and watching these video's and believe what you want, more or less all the media is run by right-wing organizations Murdock and the Barkley bros spring to mind and they will do anything to protect these cretins that run the country, haven't the people been kidded enough over the last ten years remember what was written on the side of a buss remember the Sun reporting on Hillsboro remember Orgreaves and by the way, I was there.
I dont understand the social media snowball effect to this crime. Its a horrible crime. Unfortunately over the history of humans being on the planet murders rapes and robberys have happened and will continue to happen. A small percentage of the human race are knobheads. Yes its terrible but unfortunately there is no chance of this stopping. Murderers rapists serial killers etc dont walk around with banners saying what that plan on doing in the future. And talk of curews for men is total nonsense.
Don’t be so condescending as to call me ‘kid’. Especially when you’ve just accused me of being a right wing supporter of the current government based on zero facts or evidence that I lean that way politically. Not very fair considering my original post and what I said. Also a video is a video. Regardless of what publication shares it. And as someone who is consistently critical of the media I really don’t need a lesson in their right (or left) wing bias - I whole heartedly agree with you.
Don’t see the problem tbh, illegal gathering , shouldn’t be there so had to be broken up. Yes it’s a tragic case and it’s awful what happened to the lass, but that many people together socially distanced aye reight. You have to look at the bigger picture , allow one and others follow.
Court determined that a vigil was within the bounds of the law as was a demonstration and that the mets role was to police it (details above) The issue with this is that police have been misinterpreting the law since January and accepting the courts judgement would lead to the possibility of civil actions by those who have been arrested and fined. So basically they doubled down and ignored the courts guidance.
But it wasn't a vigil was it, it was a protest as shown by the "fuc.k the police" chants, the ACAB graffiti and signs, the lack of social distancing and the general appalling behaviour.
not what was outlined though was it, p aceful, socially distanced, imho a kick in the teeth for all of us who are ‘playing buy the rules’ eg not seen our son in person in months. Any way the application was for a peaceful vigil, anybody with any sense knew it would attract rent a crowd besides the genuine women.
neither a vigil or a protest is illegal in fact the police have a legal duty under human rights regs to facilitate a protest. Read the thread from the legal bod who represented them. The police were instructed by the courts to act in one way but choose to act in completely the opposite. Again potentially to avoid litigation from their initial misrepresentation
again if you read the post the police have an absolute duty to facilitate peaceful protest under human rights regs.
And an absolute kick in the teeth to Sarah's poor family who whilst grieving are subjected to videos of people screaming fuçk the police, all coppers are b@stards in her name. It's a disgusting hijacking of their grief
Lots of men on this thread once again condoning violence against women by men. Easy to see where the problem is even on this brief microcosm of society.
Where has anyone done that? People have defended the right of the police force to arrest criminals nobody on this thread has condoned violence.
Yes you have. Women there were ‘looking for trouble’. Asking for it in old money be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Morally and legally wrong are two entirely different things. The people attending the protest were legally entitled to do so. It’s it the polices job to police morals just the law.
absolute ********. Do you believe that people breaking the law, screaming fuçk the police and spraying graffiti abusing police should be allowed to do as they please simply because they have a vagina? Why should being female allow you to break the law? There were people there looking for trouble. That is undeniable unless you are thick. Those people deserved arresting. That is not the same as saying I condone violence against women and you are a complete cun.t if you repeatedly tell people that I am saying that and I make no apology for that. You make disgusting accusations against me and I will tell you what you are for it
Lots have men on here haven’t said this though? That’s just an outright lie. You can’t fabricate such terrible claims that are so damaging to people’s character. Words matter as we’re constantly reminded.