I got into it in Jan, as I’ve got a few mates who have profited quite a bit from it. Bought an offshore privacy alt coin called Haven Protocol. Purchased 300 of them at $2.30 and currently it’s valued at $13.40 per coin. I don’t know when I should cash it out tbh. Just do whatever my mates do. Haha
I've been in Crypto since 2017. It's going to replace or be accepted by most forms of business- indeed already is being adopted.
Use coingecko. Coinmarketcap is owned by Binance which artificially inflates the volumes on its own exchange.
Right now it's not- especially bitcoin- but that's being worked on by lots of projects and protocol updates
My friends cousin bought 500 when they first came out. He gave a couple to both my friends kids at the time which they cashed in on last year and paid off their Uni bill.
I think that would get me. I was unsure on the details that Monzo asked for - and that was simply a video.
I don't know what bank account you have but I use kraken exchange which is really good. They have a partnership with a company called Clear Junction and you can deposit and withdraw money really quickly and with fees only a couple of quid. I have a Barclays account and they have been fine so far interacting with this.
I bet they wish they'd waited a bit! They'd have a decent deposit for their first house an all by now
The green argument brought up - I get it, but I don't see how we can complain about this when the country drives their kids to school and we fly on holiday multiple times a year - or fly between destinations in this country.
Bitcoin is really wasteful in terms of the energy consumption needed to mine. There's big noises about Elon Musk working to improve the energy efficiency of various projects. Two that it looks like he's involved in on Ethereum are Energy Web Token, and Ocean Protocol. Both solid projects to look into.
It has a big problem at the moment in that it can't handle the demand for transactions. It works on proof of work which means that people essentially bid for transactions using 'gas' and miners take the highest paid work. This will change due to layer 2 solutions which are built to bypass some of these fees and by switching to proof of stake which is facing some resistance (understandably! ) from miners getting rich off of the current system. But this should be sorted out in the next few months hopefully