Managed purposely to be Under the radar of Covid in media terms. This is the most appalling treatment of workers. I have signed and shared every petition on behalf of British Gas workers . If you do nothing else, please sign this. Workers rights are being eroded to the extent we will be at the beck and call of unscrupulous employers. We are. ( the whole union movement) at a critical moment in time. Congress need to get a grip and bring all workers out in support. In one form or another. The fallout from this. If British Gas win. Will be devastating and give the go ahead for other companies to follow suit. please, please sign, it costs nothing. And younger/future generations will suffer. If British Gas win.
Non of the major news outlets have even reported on this story including the puplicly funded BBC which tells you all you need to know . The system is rigged in the favour of big business and will be for some time to come and there's no one in any position of power even fighting for ordinary folk any more . X
The war against the trade union movement sadly was lost in the 80s . It just wasn't about closing uneconomic pits. History is proving that. Which I shouted loudly at that time. Good luck to them , i hope they get the support however sadly I fear not.
Sign the petition bazza. For support if nothing else. If they get enough it has to be raised in parliament. I came through the miners strike. And am now fighting for our T’s and C’s not to be ripped up. Brexit has not only had an effect economically. But European legislation on workers rights. Will be destroyed by these b’stds as soon as possible.
I thought it was a huge find of gas under the North Sea in British waters. Signed but unfortunately this government will pay no attention.
PETITION Tell the Conservative government whom we, the electorate put into government with a landslide majority for a five-year term, that we do not like conservatism. Can't see how that could fail. Nevertheless, the British Gas employees, along with anyone else who has been subject to fire-and-rehire tactics, do have my sympathy and so I've signed it anyway.
It’s taking back control. This is what the new wave Tory’s from Wakefield and other red wall demolishes wanted