Barnsley MBC once did this about 10 years ago. Unions didnt fight it properly IMO and even though I agreed with what they wanted to change, i did the strike on principle. Precedent was set then, hire and fire went through. I no longer work for BMBC
The trouble is the great British public as a rule couldn't care less about issues like this. They only sit up and take notice when something impinges on their own lives. That's why time and time again the Tories get voted in. They spin a few sound bites about Brexit or some other issue and they lap up the working-class vote. Then they proceed to screw the working-class who once more revert to living day to day without really watching what's being done. It's demoralising.
The Tory’s are the epitome of I’m all right Jack and that’s why they are voted in time and time again despite the carnivorous corruption they bring to the table .
“By the 1930s the British ruling class obviously could not admit to themselves that their usefulness was at an end. There was only one escape for them – into stupidity…. They could keep society in its existing shape only by being unable to grasp that any improvement was possible. Difficult though this was, they achieved it, largely by fixing their eyes on the past and refusing to notice the changes that were going on round them.” George Orwell. Johnson is 21st century embodiment of that stupidity – sending “Global Britain’s” new aircraft carrier east for a bit of 19th century gunboat diplomacy and increasing our stockpile of nuclear weapons by 40% ready for any rerun of a 20th century Cold War. The flag-wavers will lap it up.
The other problem is where's the opposition ? Anyone even dare to step forwards and talk about fairer distribution of wealth for example and every news organisation / media outlet jumps straight on them . I look at most western countries now and the majority are in slow decline with no apparent leaders to show a way out .
Not sure It Is Conservatism. It Is though, IMO, short terminism by poor uncaring management to maximise profits using immoral unscrupulous tactics to circumvent employment law. The annoying thing Is that CEOs and executives who use these methods often get bonuses for the increased profits arising (a double slap in the face for the employees affected) It needs this loophole closing, something which only Govt legislation can do. I have signed but It looks like a lost cause as it still has a number of signatures far short of what Is needed to trigger a debate.