I usually bet on Barnsley games on Betfair's Sportsbook. They have a bet called Scorecast which involves forecasting the first goal scorer together with the final score. For the last few games I haven't been able to access this market as once I put the cursor above the players' names the market closes down and a few moments later it disappears from view. Two friends have said they have the same problem but Betfair Help are disbelieving. Anyone on here who uses Betfair can I ask if you could see whether the same phenomenon happens with your account. I have tried getting in on my desktop, iPad and phone - its the same on all of them. I am pretty unsuccessful with this particular bet so maybe Betfair are saving me from myself.
Fine with me i presume you mean Same Game Multi. try clearing your cookies and rebooting your computer
"Same game multi." Don't recognise that. Scorecast is the one which is giving me grief. On the Sportsbook.