Would it make much of a difference? They have the votes to push it through no matter what the opposition does. People are going to vote for them again no matter what they or Labour do. Politics in the country are just ******. I agree with you that we’ve got no opposition, but I don’t agree with blaming the lack of opposition for this or really any government policy.
The defence secretary's next door neighbour has a large shed. Nuclear weapons - can't use em, make us more of a target, trident is outdated anyway, cost billions of pounds, loads of other countries don't have em and have never been attacked. People like the 'idea' of nuclear weapons because we look tough and important. They send more of a message to right-wing patriots than they do to potential enemies.
Look on the bright side Ian. When the 'balloon goes up' and the enemy targets the installations in the first strike, you will have a quick painless demise in a white flash of light rather than a slow painful lingering death through radiation poisoning, starvation, dehydration or dysentery like the rest of the population not...err.. 'lucky enough' to be within the blast radius!! 'Every (mushroom) cloud.......' and all that.
Anyone who voted for these morons wants to hang your head. Why the actual **** do we need these weapons.. what is the point. By all means invest in weapons to stop such attack, but this is going to end badly one way or another. Whoever signed this off at Parliament or even suggested such and idea during one of the worst financial times in British history, should be hung from London Bridge with a message linked to the chest, do t be so bloody stupid.
"By the 1930s the British ruling class obviously could not admit to themselves that their usefulness was at an end. There was only one escape for them – into stupidity…. They could keep society in its existing shape only by being unable to grasp that any improvement was possible. Difficult though this was, they achieved it, largely by fixing their eyes on the past and refusing to notice the changes that were going on round them.” George Orwell. Johnson is the 21st century embodiment of that stupidity – sending “Global Britain’s” new aircraft carrier east for a bit of 19th century gunboat diplomacy and increasing our stockpile of nuclear weapons by 40% ready for any rerun of a 20th century Cold War. The flag-wavers will lap it up.
Can't speak for Whitey or what he meant exactly, but I don't feel there is any opposition to this government in the mainstream media. While the opposition in the house of commons may be hamstrung by the Tory's majority, the media shouldn't be, and opposition parties shouldn't be when courting the media, but I'm hearing very little resistance.
The uk has a defence agreement with Malaysia and is sending a ship in support of the USA, France has also sent a warship and a nuclear sub , Australia, Japan and Holland are also involved
Its just stupid its a policy that has no logical merit other than to appeal the the brain dead tub thumping far right Not sure its a dead cat for that thats another stupid policy though if you are aiming to stifle dissent and move towards a totalitarian state the Policing bill is definitely a step any would be dictactor would be making I sink more and more into dispair every time this government puts forward a new bill - The country is turning into one I dont want to belong to especially as too large a minority of the voting electorate dont seem to care