Something's got to give, hasn't it? For both teams. I really want us to stuff them off the planet but you know there's always a caveat with them. Please don't let it be us. Please.
I can't see us losing on Saturday, Mowatt or no Mowatt. Wednesday need to sign a local lad, David Blunkett. He can hold onto a lead.
I can see a score draw, personally. Honestly think the last semblance of team spirit they had will be more or less gone, but we all know what happens when we play them. Hopefully, we steam roller them, and other results go against them to put them 12 points adrift, though...
Probably not my best post. Perhaps they should have been separate posts. My point was (and it is a very old joke) that Wednesday have thrown away a lead in their last two home games. It looks like Darren Moore is only human like his predecessor, Pulis. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Or, as the Who said "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".
I knew what you meant. I can't feel any more confident that we will win short of terrible ref ING and us down to at least 9 men. Wycombe fans were commenting that it seemed like we had 15 men on the pitch and they're not a team that surrendets like Weds are.
Remember when we went up under stendel and the last few games we had players suspended. The team spirit carried us through. I think this team is even more together
You’ve missed some corkers then mate. Not as good as owlstalk mindst. Barry Bannan - very good in a very good side 5 years ago Barry Bannan - crap in an absolute crap side right now Is it any wonder? He’s playing with idiots.