You’re completely atheist and think Christenings these days are an excuse for a piss up and free presents. You have a baby yourself and won’t get them Christened for those reasons. Your friend, who never attends church and to your knowledge isn’t religious at all, asks you to be god parent to their baby. Do you do it or not?
Yes. I'm absolutely, 100%, atheist but when my oldest friend asked me to me godparent I said yes after checking that they were ok with me not fulfilling any religious obligations. She just wanted the Christening and has no interest in their child being religious and wanted me to be part of the day and their life in general. She's one of those people who calls everyone 'auntie' and 'uncle' whoever to their kids and she wanted something formal to recognise my role in their life. I am also a godparent to my nephews and it was the same situation in terms of Will's sister not being religious but wanted the occasion for family to come together and also because their local good school is a Catholic school and the children cannot attend there if they have not been baptised. Other than having to not roll your eyes through the ceremony, I wouldn't focus on that side of it at all (as long as you are upfront with the friend asking you). I'd see it more as your friend wanting to honour you by asking (similar to being a best man/bridesmaid) and them thinking you are a good role model for their child.
Absolutely. Why not. Do you attend church funerals. Weddings etc. I understand your concerns but it’s a happy occasion and responsibilities go along with it. Be it. most folk are not beholden to em. In the strictest sense.
Helen I hate christenings. Last one I felt I had to attend was my brothers grand child. To not attend might have caused a wee bit of friction. The day was the away game at Wigan. Remember my phone vibrating every 5 minutes in that church with Sparky keeping me updated of all the goals. Of course I celebrated later when we all got back to the hotel.
Why would anyone want to Christen a Child if they aren't Religious? I dont get it at all, why not just have your own naming ceremony and a celebration with Family and Friends. I went to a Christening and very few if any were interested, talking laughing and phones going left right and centre. At least have some respect for the regular Church members its only for an hour when included in the service.
I christened mine, partly because of this. I didn't have a church wedding because I don't really believe but I had no objection to saying they would be brought up knowing about the Christian faith and then they could make up their own minds on what to believe or not.
Exactly this. We plan to have a party for Mabel when at some point but without the naff bit at the start.
but you have a problem - I think the Priest during the Baptismal service will ask Godparents if they will ensure the child is brought up in the Christian Faith. You can't say you will do that because you are a 'complete atheist.'
For what it's worth, I'd do it. I'd put my personal feelings to one side, as my friend is specifically wanting me to be Godfather to their baby. Would it be hypercritical? Yes. But in this instance, I'd place my friend's feelings ahead of my own.