I hope they catch everyone involved and deal with them all properly. Police are just doing there job and don't deserve to be attacked. The sad thing is their jobs are going to get a lot harder because of government decisions like if masks or social distancing keep going or vaccination passports are brought in.
Who do these W&!6ers ring when there bedsit is been burgled or a family member is been attacked?? It’s about time some skulls got split
My 19 year old daughter would have made an excellent police officer, just the kind of person to fulfill a demanding but very essential job. With a heavy heart I've sat her down for a chat but was pushing at an open door, she had already withdrawn her application. There is an old saying that a society gets the police force it deserves. The rot started with tebbit and the miners strike, the start of the end of policing by consent. Finished by Theresa may buying cheap party popularity by destroying a British institution we will lose and can't replace.
I can see both sides of this to be fair. This bill is fascist and cannot be allowed to pass unchallenged. It allows the government to ban protest if it so much as ‘annoys them’. It’s vague wording like that that allows the descent into full fascism, and we’re already half way there. On the other hand, most of the police officers are just following orders and might not even understand the political implications. But police officers are a face of the state they serve, and if the state is doing wrong and the police protect them, it’s going to cause conflict.
Just wish people with some ******** had been there to try and stop it ....... but I'm a target for doing my bit so I'll stand aside. If this happened in Barnsley who would have actually tried to protect our town and its history ........ probably none. I would and id have been proud to try and know I was doing the right thing...... I'll leave it with you.
The government has taken away your right to protest peacefully and the continue to change laws on a whim and nobody seems to bat an eyelid as the old distraction technique from the media comes in I.e Megan and Harry’s interview when really we should be concerned that we’re all celebrating getting freedom granted to us one little step at a time we should be terrified that we’ve all been locked up for 12 months and we’ve all just accepted it! Tonight’s scenes are only the beginning I’m afraid I protested in Leeds last year for BLM peacefully but throughout history you will see riots get results. I will admit I haven’t followed any lockdown rules not one I saw my family my friends daily I was tested due to my work weekly and have never caught the bloody thing I will continue to ignore any government guidelines as I will not be told I can’t see my friends and family by some racist suit in London. You only get one life I might be hit by a bus tomorrow imagine if I’d wasted 12 months of my existence.
And each time you undermine the police with undemocratic mob rule you take one step nearer to a police force with less accountability, less qualifications and a government who say the cops can't do their job, let's replace them with G4S who'll employ bouncers on minimum wage. If you don't like the government bill, vote them out next time.
I They’re not attacking town and history, they’re confronting Police. The Police are trained and have equipment at their disposal to deal with any riotous behaviour. I personally don’t condone the violence, but that doesn’t mean people don’t have a reason or right to protest. Just like if anyone wants to gather at the Town Hall to protect a war memorial that nobody wants to attack
Congrats mate. The very type of person the government use an example to take away our democratic rights. Are you a government plant ??
Interesting talisman. On his watch sent troops into bay of pigs and Vietnam and didn't pass one single act to change the Rosetta Parkes situation. All mouth and no trousers (unless you were called Marilyn)
You had me until ignoring lockdown. I know 3 people who have died because people ignored lockdown. Yes, the government is at fault for the completely bungled national handling, but pretending it isn’t real and taking no precautions at all is killing the people I love.
I am truly sorry for your loss but I have killed nobody or spread covid in anyway as I said I am tested regular through work, but my daughter suffers with mental health issues and watching her happiness and mental well being deteriorate in front of my own eyes from a virus that would likely cause her no harm was the last straw last year so I gave her what she needed a could go abroad and thousands of ppl could fly in to the uk Willy nilly but my kids couldn’t see their cousins or grandparents not on my watch
It’s the words and sentiment that’s important here. You don’t have to hold the person who said it in high esteem whether their actions are hypocritical or not.