I didn’t need to say anything, I was part of a peaceful protest against racism. Therefore, I not only stood up for myself, I stood up for everyone who abhors racism. I don’t back down to threats, anyone raise a fist against me had better make it count, because I’ll guarantee I’ll return the favour
Anyway it’s bedtime mate, goodnight. Just to reiterate, I do not believe you are a racist, You seem a really likeable bloke. It’s a shame that right-wing politics that unfortunately dominates our society adopts causes that are dear to decent people
People like to pick and choose what outrages them these days and in general this behaviour can be cleverly manipulated by a corrupt media . Just look at Donald trump , not a nice man but neither was Obama . The outrage against trump was off the scale and you only have to look at this site as an example . Joe biden becomes president and carries on the exact horrible behaviours be that kids in cages , zero healthcare , racist foreign policy , slashing of relief checks , no raising of the minimum wage etc etc the list goes on . Not a peep from the usual suspects , not 1 thread on the matter . Their guy won and that's all that matters so time to turn a blind eye .
What's to stop you testing negative one day, catching it the next and spreading it to someone who then dies?
The maximum sentence for rape is Life. im not defending the bill; it’s an abomination, and for those suggesting it’s ‘aimed’, get a grip, you can’t aim a cluster bomb. No government has a worse record on law and order than this one. But they’ll get away with it, just like they get away with everything else by using cheap populist hook lines. Talk of increased sentencing keeps the Daily Mail readers at bay, meanwhile, criminals have less chance of getting caught, a slower court process that leads to more dropped cases, and overcrowded prisons that lead to real life shorter sentences*. But if they keep shouting they’re tough on crime, the truth is unimportant. Trying to beat them by using opposing lies is never going to work. They’re the ones controlling the media (or rather the media controllers are happy to play along). *all in the name of saving money.
Sorry but you are wrong! There are NO "two sides to this". That is just the sort of attitude that has added to this anarchy in a small section of the population!! Your last sentence could apply to certain countries where democracy has been overridden e.g. Belarus but 'the state is doing wrong' is a mere opinion and largely based on the media and social media creating a s*it storm. There are problems but the UK is still a far far better country and our police force is far more restrained than many countries I could mention . Even teh French are less restrained when it comes to crowd control. If these violent thugs keep rioting we could well see 'cause and effect' leading to a much less restrained Police reaction in future leading to the types of response you see from some other police forces. If you want to live in a civilised society the way to change things, for better or worse, is through the ballot box and accept the majority decision whether you agree with it or not. As the Police stated in the article... Attacking police, setting fire to vehicles and graffitying property is not a way to demonstrate for peaceful protests
What you’re forgetting is because some of the people who attended memorials had racist connotations to some on here it automatically means everyone who attends is.
That’s the thing with this instance, according to the reports, the protest went off very peacefully and uneventful, as it died down and moved on a group remained and set fire to a Police vehicle, the Police still chose not to intervene and only did after being attacked. I wasn’t there but if that description is accurate, that says to me the ‘second half’ wasn’t a protest. The irony being that these kind of actions just help the Government ‘justify’ the need for such an act.
Why do you think relief checks were slashed? Why do you think the minimum wage wasn't raised? Has he tabled anything on healthcare next? From a usual suspect. P.s. If he does try to do something on healthcare who do you think will try to stop it? Pps On health I'd suggest that actually giving a s**t about covid and fully tackling the problem rather than ignoring it as it damages your re election prospects constitutes a massive move on healthcare.
Many people only see what they want to see, nobody will have seen or heard your wife being abused so in their eyes it was an entirely peaceful protest. Edit, I hope things are going well for you and your family.
I'm reserving judgment till Biden's been in for a year. There is a huge amount of inertia in the US system and things take time to change. On the "niceness" scale (1 to 10), if Trump was on 1 Obama was on 11.
I was just going to say the only way to stop protests like this is to vote this far-right government out of power but then I thought we will then get these far-right nutjobs running riot as we have just seen in the USA.
I can't disagree with that. Except that graffiti isn't a verb, it's a noun so you can't say graffiti-ing.
To the ppl condemning last nights protests I was born after the poll tax riots but I’m guessing you had little issue with actions taking by the protesters there because that directly had an adverse effect on you but because you believe the protesters in Bristol are left wing anarchists they are fighting for what they believe in and what this governments bill is doing is taking away your civil rights and you just sit and condemn them.. remember you’re celebrating every time boris gives you just a little bit of freedom like sitting on a park bench with a friend is apparently something we should be grateful for