When you add in the club's legal fees it will have cost close to £1.5m, with almost £1m of that being legal costs and only £500k to Hull.
Hecky mentioned it and shouldn't Dull make sure when they give a player a medical it's done properly? I don't see how you can win a case down the line for a medical issue when you've given the player a medical before signing him. That's not our fault.
I was under the impression everything was above board and we’d disclosed everything and the players medical records would be displayed to the buying club , obviously not the case .
No, it's more accurate to say they sent over a proposed contract and we didn't read it properly before signing. The form of the contract as signed was identical to the first draft sent to us by Hull.
Well I think we saw them but I am guessing whoever read it didnt pay attention It really looks like we cocked this up big time to me by accepting a clause no one in their right mind would accept when selling a football player
we had better hope Wilks keeps fit for the rest of his contract in case there is another clause we overlooked
And isn’t there a bit in there about a claim Hull have on us that needs to be heard by another tribunal. Could cost us even more!
Barnsley FC incompetence knows no limits!! Knew everything else was going too well. It speaks volumes when @mansfield_red says the draft contract was the same as the signed contract. Who the hell signed it off without checking all the contract clauses/particulars? Hull must not have believed their luck that the clause wasn't amended or struck out! If its GG that's ****** up then he may not be working for Chien and Conway much longer!
I’d have thought that these sort of contracts were run of the mill and straight forward so shows what I knew . Need to get some structure built to observe these contracts imo in the future . That’s cost us a good player from somewhere for a mill and half .
I'm pretty sure we made good on the torquay side of things when they were struggling. So we paid them out too up front.... I dont think I dreamt that anyway
Makes more sense after reading the summary. Genuinely annoyed at that, that could have been Mowatt’s signing on fee for a new deal.
Hang on a minute though. Why wasn't the contract looked at again before the EFL tribunal? As surely we invested a hell of a lot in legal fees fighting this when surely we could see the error was ours?
Couple of points. What part did McDonald's agent play in all this.? How competent were Hull in their medical ? he would have had a blood test for loads of stuff including an iron deficiency and he said his iron levels were 'sky high'. Was his statement made inthe knowledge of the results of his medical?
Do we reckon the football club holds any kind of liability insurance for legal events like this? Although if we are at fault I guess it wouldn’t apply anyhow. Can’t we send them Luke Thomas and call it quits? No clauses though.