For me 'adult social care' shouldn't have to be funded by individual councils and thus by council tax rises. It's elitist as the richer areas will have significantly lower numbers of adults with learning difficulties and other issues, I'd be surprised if physical disabilities isn't lower in the richer areas too. It should be funded as part of the NHS or other general taxation that we ALL pay into. PCC is the biggest ongoing waste of money there is. They ramp up the tax bill as much as possible each and every year and for what? Largely so they can spend an arm and a leg finding the latest person who's ran away from home that particular day. Sort the problem at the source and they'd save millions in wasted resources.
Amazing isnt it? Many people had 10 years of Tory austerity, then voted for more of it.
It's funny, I can't read Band D without reading B and D. It does summat funny to my brain, like those optical illusion pictures where sometimes you see a duck and sometimes a rabbit.
You were lucky! You should see what it costs here in San Francisco. The local government currently take in $13 Billion in taxes to run a city of 850,000 people, and it's still not enough.
£2347.02. Band E. Goes towards that Covid memorial statue, so all good. Wouldn't want it to pay for school crossing patrols or owt.
£2426, Band E, up 5%. Black bin and a brown bin, collected alternate weeks, half the time they forget us, cos we're in the middle of nowhere, so effectively the bins are collected monthly and that's pretty much what my two an half grand a year pays for.
Someone called the council muppets for cutting money to support drugs schemes in Barnsley - while failing to recognise the 130 million cut to these support schemes across he country! What is so hard to understand about he impacts of the cut?
Hmm in Farnham the rates are a bit higher only Archerfield paying more than me of those who put a figure up and I’m in the Toryist of Tory areas
If you think Tory councils have high rates best tell Westminster council. Cheap as chips in the Tory heart lands. Band D £782