Its paywalled behind other news sites.
All rumour and conjecture as far as I can see. The adult population is unlikely to be vaccinated (2 doses) by then so why start on kids who suffer little to nothing in terms of illness and death? Besides which we still don't know if the vaccines actually reduce transmission.
No one forced to have the vaccine. I did hear this on the radio this morning but trials have still to be concluded. Let’s wait and see the results of the trials before making judgments
The exclusive story was here... To get around any paywall website like Telegraph or Times or a foreign news site use this website.... Then if you paste and search the link in the bottom of the two boxes it should show up as an archived link.... If for some reason it doesn't paste and save the link in the top link and it will create you one.
True as far as i'm aware I've had the vaccine but could have Covid as I type this message. It doesn't prevent illness just stops it killing you.
I agree. However, just because we've had the vaccine it doesn't prevent us killing other people. It's important to remember that.
Nothing wrong with that if it's fully tested unlike the current situation where they're shutting bricks daily on if it causes a b or c and on the condition that it's completely voluntary and no kids will be discriminated against if they don't have it.
"Your children will be next" only if you agree and give permission. And only if the vaccine has been tested and approved on a younger sample of population, the work is currently being done in Germany No child will be forcibly vaccinated No adult will be forcibly vaccinated Nobody at all will be forcibly vaccinated Everyone will be offered the vaccine You don't have to accept it It is a matter of choice From the said article: "it is expected that parents would have the final say so in any case." So the vaccine Gestapo won't kidnap your children and inject them with experimental chemicals So don't worry Still, it sells the Daily Heil....
There's got to be caution in administering the vaccine to under 18's as they are still physically developing, particularly if they are largely unaffected. It would be seen as a risk to vaccinate them to reduce the spread when we don't know of any long term effects. It's one thing allowing yourself to be vaccinated, another to force or persuade those who can't decide for themselves.