Happy to jump aboard the BBS train! Been a fan for 20+ years, although never managed to see a game when we were in the big time, I was only 8! Hoping that can change really soon! Anyway, I’m looking forward to discussing all things tarn & maybe dabble in the odd politics discussions, then again... maybe not! Happy fabbing!!........oh crap, wrong site!
Welcome aboard mate. You're the same age as me, my 8th birthday was read out at half time, the day we played West Ham in the PL. I would love for us to go back up for the same reason. I was there for that season, but my memories of it are quite limited. Oddly enough the games I remember most are the FA Cup ones, Bolton, Spurs and Man Utd.
Welcome I'm 5 years older and I missed out too. Hope we get back soon but I've been hoping that since 1998.
I have fond memories of the televised games, particularly Coventry at home & the FA cup replay against Man United. Can’t complain too much though as I have seen us at Wembley 4 times since then & seen a couple of promotions & a cup win!
So was I. That's why I can't believe it slipped my mind. I was thinking play offs and Johnstone's paint and hadn't really given the FA cup any thought. That's my excuse as well as old age.
It was a weird moment the far side of our horse shoe were celebrating waiting for the net to bulge but our side remained quiet because we knew he missed and saw the side netting ripple.
I can't have been far away from you cos I saw the same. I was in total disbelief. I was up out of my seat half celebrating before he missed the target. I've never sworn as much as that over one missed shot.