Still uses Africa I believe, the old version. He was given a truck load back in the 90's and couldn't shift it on
I reckon they just go on to see where they are on the player of the season rankings. No good looking for posts with their name in because we never stay on topic!
Oreyt everyone, I've been trying to get onto this for a few years now. Quick brief about me is I'm a 21 year old "Knuckle Dragging Leftie", I promise I'll behave! U reds
Eh, behaving yourself??’ll be getting an instant ban with an attitude like that ...welcome mate
Stop telling porkies. When I picked those flags up from yours u were dressed as a sailor or was it an Indian. Might have been construction worker
I got confused..I saw you turn up in your hard hat and shades so I went for the sailors outfit...I forgot you were picking those flags up