No idea if this documentary has been shown in Britain, but Finding Jack Charlton, is being advertised on tv here now and will be shown soon. One clip they're using to advertise it makes my heart go into my boots every time I hear it. It shows Jack at home with his wife, the voice over says something about him suffering from dementia, and then his wife says to him 'They think a lot of you in Ireland don't they?', to which he looks at her and responds 'I've no idea'. That man has been held in such high regard here, by so many people, for so long, it kills me to think that he no longer remembers the legend he is in Ireland. It wasn't just the success he had with the football, it was his character, his way. I remember the whole country being caught up in a wave of excitement as he led the Irish team to the world cup. I remember my office closing for every match. Why? because every other business was shut too. The pubs did roaring trade and I've never seen anything like it either before or afterwards with regards to football. I hope that sometimes perhaps, he remembers, because I doubt anyone here will ever forget.
If like to see the documentary tbh. Jack was a legend in Yorkshire also . Not just his Leeds playing days or his Sheffield Wednesday managerial days but he lived among us Barnsley during his Wednesday managerial time . He was with us during the miners strike and will be fondly remembered in Barnsley as a friend of the miners and the town .
Excellent , well worth a watch Very sad in parts but the love the Irish fans had for him really shows through
So true. Also Mick is held in higher regard over here than many might think. Even after Saipan, even in Cork with its Roy Keane cult it was 50/50. BTW whereabouts are you over here ? Thought it was just me and Churton Red in Dingle tbh.
9 pm Monday BBC 2 don’t think I’m ready for the dementia part yet, give me another 50 years or so and I may have gotten over my own dad.
I'm in Anascaul....So is Churton red, he just says he's in Dingle because at least it's big enough that some people on here have heard of it at least
I know Annascaul - good mates run O'Sullivan's bar in Garrynadur. I am just over the county bounds in Cill na Martra. 20 years here now.
Looking forward to watching this on Monday. Jack is an absolute hero in Ireland, there is no one else held in the same regard in football terms. Mick is also very popular, there are a lot of similarities between Irish and Yorkshire people. I'm another with a Munster connection Dan, originally from Annascaul and had many a good night in O'Sullivan's. Was one of the last pubs I was in pre-lockdown!
Small world . Done quite a few quiz night's in O'Sullivans. The daughter was my kids primary school teacher. What are the odds that an Anascaul connection would emerge on a Barnsley site?
More like Cork and Yorkshire - Biggest counties in respective countries, each would take independence if offered and chips on both shoulders The above is only because I have learnt the anti-Kerry bias from 20 years over here Also cos of the football, both my lads played and I am a GAA referee - probably the only English one in the country.