To gather road kill my mate does it all the time personally i think its disgusting he phoned me about 30 mins ago just picked up young deer off side of road its not as though hes a pauper i suppose food is food ill get mine from shop
As long as it's not gone off waste not want not. A few years back Louis Theroux did a documentary in I think it was Canada where someone did the same. They hardly ever bought anything to eat from the shop because they mainly ate roadkill. All kinds of animals that we don't eat in the UK. It showed the guy in question using his knife to skin the creature and then cooking it in the pan with a bit of seasoning. Theroux didn't look keen but when he tried it he didn't seem to mind.
Morally? Eating an animal that lived a happy free life and died as the result of an accident. Or Eating an animal that was bred purely to create meat, where animal welfare and the method of the subsequent murder are secondary to creating a good value weight per £ figure. Morally - I eat supermarket meat, but the answer to that moral question isn’t comfortable. Indeed, all game* is arguably a better deal for the animal than farming. *unless you want to get into the debate that says; managed game hunting is an environmental disaster, as most of our heather moors would naturally be temperate rainforest if we weren't managing it for the purpose of posh folk wanting something to shoot.
I'd say it's morally right. Whether you fancy eating it depends if you know how long it's been there. I was cycling with a mate once in our teens when we found a pheasant in the road, knew it was fresh cause we'd been down the same road an hour earlier so we took it home for tea. Legally I think there's a law that says you're allowed so long as you didn't kill it yourself - otherwise it's poaching
“Well Jeff… outstanding…. what do you make of this new lad?" “That was an absolute screamer!” “Certainly was Jeff… just 10 posts in and he’s fired in from 35-yard with a belter about the morality of eating road kill.”
So long as you throw their wallet and mobile phone in the nearest bush first I say go for it. It's what they would have wanted.
Get it down your neck. I love Deer, Pheasant and Pigeon as long as it's dented someone else's windscreen and ruined their bumper what's the problem?
No problem with the morals of it. I'd agree with the previous comment about it being more morally correct then the usual way of acquiring meat. My hesitation would be based on what killed it and how long ago. If it got hit by a car and I saw it happen, dinner! If it's just lying there with glazed eyes that scream out ' I died a week ago from a hideously infectious variety of virus/ bacteria/ pathogen ', I'd have to pass.
Can't see how any meat eater could disagree with it to be honest. I wouldn't personally touch it as i've never caught and cooked anything other than fish before, but i would eat it if i was with someone who knew what they were doing. Only potential disagreement I can think of could be fact may be depriving other animals of the opportunity.
Reminds me of that top gear episode in America, where the only thing they could eat that day was what they found at the roadside. Clarkson arrives an hour later with a whole cow strapped to the roof, one of the funniest things I've seen
Bit of a different take on this. If I'm going over the tops I move roadkill to the verge because peregrine's and harriers will eat it and get run over whilst doing it, crows seem a bit more switched on at dodging cars.
Don’t see anything wrong with it if it’s dead, fit to eat and it was an accident, but I used to know a rural type with a land rover who seemed to accidentally hit a lot of pheasants ! I know they can be pretty thick when crossing the road but......