How many would Germany, France, Italy, Holland or Portugal scored last night?...A cricket score. Not good enough. It was that good I turned over and watched the snooker.
I was in San Marino 50 years ago. It's a great little place. They have or they had then an army that comprised handful. Talking to two of them outside the Government building they were saying that they technically were still at war because San Marino didn't sign the Armistice at the end of WW1, so they keep quiet about it. But the funniest was they looked at their watches , leant their rifles against the wall and said they were going home for lunch.
Just can't get interested in internationals nowadays, 98,02 and 06 i used to love it, ever since S A in 2010 I couldn't give a fat rats ar5e about it, to a extent where I don't even look for the result when England are playing, I want them to win obviously but don't care whatsoever if they don't, I find it boring
Used to go to every England home game but last twice I've been sat near some tools from London clubs who were goading each other looking for a fight. Spurs Chelsea and Millwall fans were the ones involved
I honestly don’t understand why people have that mindset, if their keeper didn’t have the game of his life it would’ve been 9-0 maybe. But if we did win 9-0 you’d probably say Portugal, Germany Italy etc would’ve got double figures. I think some of the other nations would’ve taken a 5-0 win against San Marino at this stage with Spain and France drawing in games they should be comfortably winning. Holland getting beat in a game they should be winning and Portugal beating Azerbaijan by a single own goal. Imagine if that was England? International football can throw some ridiculous score lines at times. I just don’t understand why folk always want to have a pop at England whenever they play.
Plus it depends which team you choose to send out to play them. San Marino allow you to throw a few bit part players on without it mattering too much. Should we have played Kane against San Marino just so we could run up a cricket score, or saved him for Poland?
Maybe if we grew a pair of bolloc ks, dint rest on our laurels n' showed no mercy we'd be world champions instead of gallant losers?
I hope we miss out by one goal. Let the "it's not the winning it's the taking part" brigade soft soap tht.
After watching The Reds' more direct style, I found England's endless passing back and forth in front of their packed defence quite boring to be honest. At times I was shouting at the telly to get a cross in and let Calvin-Lewin attack the ball.