Was there that day, was barmy warm and sunny. Cracking day out at a proper old ground, loved standing on terraces. We took a fair few, the away end wasn't rammed but I'm guessing that was for H&S. We made some proper noise that day, the early goals set us up nicely. Reading weren't a bad side and made for an uncomfortable last 20 mins. Was a good Easter after winning live on Sky on the Friday night. You could tell by then folk realised we were going up, the Ponty and East Stand was always pretty much full.
Always remember walking home after the Charlton demolition job and some guy winding his car window down and shouting at me that Reading had done us a favour. Mind you John Oster will always be a player I'll remember with huge affection. Teletext played with my mind that Wednesday night, took an age to show Full Time.
I was there that day, we used to travel with the Dove Inn in those days and we had a cracking time in Maidenhead pre match. Anyway got to the turnstiles a little worse for wear and handed over a tenner (I seem to think it was 8 quid in) and got change for a £20...result...went straight to the food kiosk to get a pie with my new found wealth and handed over another tenner and yes change for a £20 again. A great day out and remember the Reading fans being as pleased as us because of the Wolves connection.
Some one mentioned John Oster above and yes, we should forever be grateful to Grimsby for getting a good result against Wolves that meant we would be up if we beat Bradford that coming Saturday.
Remember parking in side street and sitting outside pub with reading and reds fans together. As someone said friendly atmosphere. After game walked back to car with reading supporters wishing us well. Bumped into wolves fans in services they weren't happy. Good day all round.
^^this^^. It was a fantastic day out as I recall. Went up with the London lot. Lovely weather, packed away end. It was one of those games where the result was never for a moment in doubt.
Remember it with the dove too in Maidenhead, we had to knock on the first pubs doors to get him to open up. Seem to remember having a good karaoke day.