Started this weekend and my adopted team of choice Castleford play today. Never really paid much attention to rugby before but maybe there is an attraction there somewhere. The internationals were good to watch even if the rules if there are any are were difficult to fathom. I do know the league code is different and I do hope to attend a game at some point. Anyway good luck to the Tigers today.
Good luck to Warrington lol, c@$ are our rivals (well more so in pre Super League day's). I love RL but just can't get into Union. Good win by your lads in France Ian.
Yeah exciting game and that final 5 minutes in Red time as they call it was nail biting stuff. Happy for Wales managing to win the 6 nations.
Used to have an interest in it years ago , still do to an extent but mainly tv or watching for results . My team used to be Featherstone Rovers but since the decline of the coal industry and money was a big factor they haven't done as well in recent times . Still watch out for the Tigers and Wildcats (Trinity) and like to see them do well especially against the big teams like Leeds and Wigan and any team t’other side of Pennines . I think there’s a fair few Tigers fans post on here Ian so you might get some good information on them.
Rarely do I talk to anyone who like both codes. But when I go to the odd game when I’m visiting my brother. Fev. and Barnsley ST holder. I grew to like league. Union is a pale comparison. And more akin to legalised violence. Been to a couple of do’s at rovers club. Some bugger allus asks for Sweet Caroline. Pandemonium breaks out lol. basic rules are,for six tackles or plays. this will get you going Ian #COYF
My team of Wakefield Trinity. This goes back to the 60s, the Neil Fox era and Richard Harris in " This Sporting Life". The only RL game I have ever attended was Oxford v London Scolars at Iffley Road in Division 1. Oxford eventually tried to merge with Gloucester All Golds and move to Bristol but the move fell through due to lack of finance. As far as I am aware the Oxford Club no longer exists.
I’ve played at Post Office Road a fair few times. A few things about that pitch. It’s on more of a slant than you think, it’s normally covered in sand and the home supporters are very ready to give their opinion at all times. Good memories though.
I remember going to the old Thrum Hall (Halifax) in the 80's, I think it was, and at half-time the fans of BOTH teams behind the sticks changed ends by walking straight down the full length of the pitch past each other with not a hint trouble. Imagine that in modern day football. Carnage!
I went to high school in Featherstone so many of my mates supported a mix of Featherstone Rovers, Castleford and Wakefield Trinity. Used to watch a lot of matches with them on Sundays, my own interest wained once it became a summer game with Super League. Rivalry between those three clubs was fierce and they all were rivals with Leeds. My Grandad on my mother's side was born in Wigan and played for Wigan St Patrick's, their local elite amateur club, in his late teens/early twenties so always had an interest, particularly Wigan.