but, and it’s a big but. From what you’ve written you have clearly written one side off. The number of people who voted Tory around Barnsley can largely be attributed to one thing. I wonder what those people will think in a few years time.
"Dodds read Philosophy, Politics and Economics as an undergraduate at St Hilda's College, Oxford and subsequently took a masters in Social Policy at the University of Edinburgh and a PhD in Government at the London School of Economics. She lectured in Public Policy at King’s College London and Aston University." " Sunak subsequently read philosophy, politics and economics at Lincoln College, Oxford, and later gained an MBA from Stanford University as a Fulbright Scholar." Interested to know why one of these is out of their depth?
Maybe it wasn't the policies. Maybe it was this. A pretty convincing argument in my opinion https://www.theguardian.com/news/20...how-boris-johnson-made-it-by-playing-the-fool
No problems. I'll continue to be utterly puzzled as to why people voted for this government. Have a good day.
Just my opinion. Maybe not yours. An excellent academic education doesn't guarantee success in the real world albeit she has a job of high responsibility. She doesn't fill me with any confidence Sunak does...that's all I'm saying.
^ To me that’s everything that’s wrong with politics. I’m not calling you out in particular as there’s millions with the same views. If baffles me how many people vote for politicians based on how good they are at public speaking rather than what they’ve actually done & voted for.
Most of the population only have an interest in what they see and hear on TV. I completely agree. They don't go into realms of research on individuals. So with that in mind most people will only judge on what they see and hear. That won't change. I'm not saying she isn't a good public speaker I'm saying what I hear isn't convincing and fills me with dread. If your going to ask me for examples.....I'm afraid I've got dinner to cook .
A great example of how being charming is the great enabler. Not a dig but what is it about the confidence of a man partially responsible for the (pre-Covid) greatest recession our country has ever experienced, that leads you to see him as suitable for a highly responsible job? A bloke who took his gaffers job on the sole basis that he’d allow No10 to have more control of his department than his predecessor was happy with. A bloke who’s sole ‘good idea’ in the midst of a pandemic was to spend millions in taxpayers money to encourage people to socialise.
I'm not sure who you're referring to as being charming Sunak or me. I'm certainly old and wise enough to make my own mind up...all politicians use charm offensives, many of which are patronising. Like I said before I completely understand some people have deep rooted views which will probably never change and will look to anything to decry the party in power. All political parties play mind games and tinker. Dodds doesn't inspire me with any confidence regardless of her allegiance, my own personal opinion Boris is only slightly further up the scale but at this present time I believe we're in the safest hands party wise. Off to peel spuds.
Excellent article. Thanks for posting. I would agree with a lot of that. Unfortunately its what a lot of people like and indeed want. They like Johnson's 'anti-politician' persona. They like the bumbling. They like the slightly ill-fitting clothes. They like the rhetoric. All of these things distract from what's happened and allow people to just concentrate on the current performance. Apart from the deaths, the corruption, the croneyism, the running-down of the NHS, the underfunding of poorer councils, the food banks, the rise in homelessnes what have the Tories ever done for us? They will walk the local elections and cement themselves even more firmly in the hearts of people who really should give them two fingers.
At the moment it's not possible to assess whether Sunak is any good at his job. It's a very easy call to throw money at an emergency - especially when you essentially have no choice. It will be rather more interesting to see how Sunak gets on when he has to 'repair' the public finances at the same time as his boss is wanting to 'level up' and go for growth to offset the disadvantages that brexit will have placed us under in terms of trade. And let's not forget that Sunak only got the job because his former boss could not - on principle - accept being told who he could select to advise him. I judge Annelise Dodds to be capable, intelligent and well-educated. But politics being the shallow business it is, her somewhat dour personality is already threatening the security of her post. The public want to believe good news stories about vaccines, and about being 'given' their freedoms back. They even want to believe that brexit is a good news story. I think it's impossible for any Labour leader to have cut-through at the moment in the wake of the pandemic and with Johnson wanting to play the card that brexit is still being fought over. It isn't, of course, but expect him to present the lie that Keir Starmer wants to reverse it leading in to the next election, which probably happens before 2024.
So it’s ok that Sunak and His govt continue with vindictive policies and starve opposition elected councils of vital investment, whilst granting millions to their own more affluent constituencies. But he’s charming, I’ll vote for his party
So Sunak fill's you with confidence. Just take a look at some of his voting records in parliament. Voted against paying higher benefits for those unable to work due to illness or disability. Voted for the reduction in spending on welfare benefits (bedroom tax). Voted against measures to prevent climate change. Voted for more regulations on Trade unions. Voted for more Taxes on alcoholic drinks. Voted for mass surveillance of peoples communications and activities. Voted against equality and human rights. Voted against more powers to local councils. Voted against greater public control of Bus and Railway services. Plus a hell of a lot more. Sorry to spoil your fun but this man is against everything a normal person requires just like Johnson. Patel and their gang of roton to the core lying excuses for human beings.
Trouble is, if all that is true there will be large swathes of the country that will actually like him for it.
Amazing how Marr showed the headlines of all the papers bar that one In other news,the new Tory supporting heads of the BBC are doing a job worthy of North Korea.
If I was heading up the Tory communications unit I’d be laughing. I’ve got so much good stuff to work with. 1. Keep the clown entertaining the masses with endless buffoonery. 2. Media. All sewn up. Even got the lefty BBC in our pocket now. Can’t wait for GB News. 3. Policy. No need for that. Just churn out more slogans. ‘Global Britain.’ ‘Build back better’ ‘Levelling up.’ Thousands more where they came from. 4. Economy. All problems to be blamed on Covid. 5. Keep the clown entertaining the masses. 6. Protests. Any that annoy us can be banned. So that’s all protest. 7. Create fear and invent enemies that only we can save people from. New Covid variants, new diseases, the EU, Muslims, rough sleepers, rioters, East Europeans, Labour, woke folk, Russia, China, Iran…. The list is endless. Just dial all these up and down as needed. 8. Union Flags. Everywhere. To make sure we’re proud of our history and values. Proud of values like honesty, tolerance, justice, decency, fair-play. Values that we as a government don’t possess or even understand. But that’s a fine testament to how good we’ve become at distorting reality. 8. Keep the clown entertaining the masses. Yep. Job for life.
Yep...despite all of the above I have far more confidence in the current government as a whole..... Without a doubt.