Today is the anniversary of Gary Willard's finest hour! The day we put on one of our best performances of the season only for the aforementioned Mr. Willard to basically religate us I've got the full game if anybody can stomach it.
Still scored with 9 men, so Willard the w.anker had to send another off just to make sure... w.anker... Did I mention Willard is a w.anker.... might get over that game one day.......
One of only 3 premier league games I got to see that season. It was nothing to do with persecution complex, they really were out to get us.
Met him at QPR this season. He’s now a ‘trainer’ of officials. He was there with Andy Woolmer. True story.
It's astonishing the career he's gone on to have after being forced to retire. In charge of appeals, then a referees assessor and the last I heard he was coach of championship referees.
You must be joking. Once was enough... Well, twice was enough, because I bet we all watched the highlights again that night just to make sure it hadn't been some horrible dream.
I've never in 40odd years of attending football matches (30-40 per season) witnessed so much hatred towards one person. There were old boys, women and kids wanting to 'kill' him...... It was a venomous atmosphere to say the least.
In fairness Stumpy was retaliating to a foul committed by a Liverpool player. If Willard wasn't going to act on it he was and as a Mancunian he probably didn't need much incentive!